What it look like good folk? I am your favorite square, Steez, and I am happy to welcome you to the 100th entry to these here chronicles. Some of you have been reading for years....others, for weeks. Either way, I'm glad you are reading. And I'm sure you have laughed or been pissed off at what I have said on here. Or maybe a mixture of both. Either way...I appreciate it. Now, lets get on with these here chronicles....shall we?!?!
Well well well....I guess it is fitting that this monumental entry be about a huge crossroad in my life. Thats right...yesterday Bitch Treachery locked horns for the first time in family court over the custody of our children. I won't get too into detail about it here, but I will say that the outcome yesterday wasn't what I was totally asking for...it was definitely in my favor. The fight isn't over but I am pleased. Not to leave you guys totally in the dark I can give you some highlights. Upon hearing the decision Bitch Treacherys lawyer had an outburst that I've never seen on this side of Law and Order. He not only called me a liar...but he also called the magistrate a liar as well. Everyone in the room got a trip to Bitch Treacherys fantasy land, one where she got up and cooked for the kids, and was the only one that could be relied upon for the well being of the kids. LOL. It was quite the ride.
But now for the issue at hand. Being in family court was a very disheartening experience as a black man. Let me just offer some advice to any of my male readers that may one day go through family court be it for a divorce, custody, or child support. HIRE AN ATTORNEY!!! Seriously. Dudes was in up in there with they mama, with they cousin, best homie...hell one dude looked like he was in there with his OTHER baby mama. Guess who did have lawyers though? The broads. This was a sad thing to see...black women using a white man, to tear down a black man. I wonder if they ever stop to think what their lawyer thinks of them and their inability to govern their families? Now, I know, it doesn't matter if a black man, a black woman, or a white person approves of your familial decisions or not...but considering what society at large thinks about the black family, I just cant bring myself to hire a white lawyer to represent me in this kind of matter, it just wouldn't sit right with me.
It gets deeper, so after the magistrate asked my attorney what I was asking for, and and Bitch Treacherys lawyer shot it down, Her and I were sent out of the room. While we sit here in the lobby, 2 adults, 2 parents...as we sat out there shooting each other venomous stairs...and sneaking peeks at each others attire for future reporting and possible ridicule to our friends and family...3 other people sat in a room discussing the fate of our children. Children that we made together...children that the people in the room have never met or heard speak. The kids that I swaddled in the maternity ward....or kissed their "boo boos"...taught to moonwalk....and drank imaginary tea with. All of a sudden because of the bullshit between us, our parental "rights" were taken.
The funny thing about all of this is, in most instances, young black couples can't work out issues because the woman "knows" she has the court on her side. So, worst case scenario she can run and get the white man on dude...and he will pay up. But at the end of the day...all she really is is a house nigga being used for massas amusement.
I'm out