Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Ups and Downs of Memorial Day Weekend

What it look like good folk? Its ya favorite square Steez back at it. I hope all y'all had a good holiday weekend. Mine was so so as you will read in this post. So I'm gonna get right to it. Shall we?

My weekend started off quite splendid. Saturday I linked up with the fellas and played some out of shape basketball. It was quite as bad as we all anticipated. Some of the shots even went in!!!!
All in all it was a good day. I just hope we can repeat it with some kind of regularity. *gives friends the stink eye*

Well that's it for the ups. Now for the downs. Me and Butterbear are not vibing. Though we squashed the beef over the vomit in my truck, things have been strained since then. Bottom line I'm not feeling her outlook or ideology right now, as it is counterproductive to mine. I won't completely air her out here but her focus is sorely lacking. I was royally pissed off that she wanted me to go to her brothers STEPSONS party. I repeatedly told her I didn't want to go. I don't care for her family. And I don't care for her when she's around them. I told her to take the kids and have a good time. She kept preaching about needing my "help" with them. Meanwhile she was at her mothers saturday night with all 4 kids. And before anyone starts yeah her mom was at the party.

So she drags me to this shit. And I immediately see why she needed my help. It was a fuckin indoor water park. Too bad she told me that as we were leaving. I didn't have any swimming gear...her and the kids did though. So there I sat all alone(as I told her I would me and she ensured me that I wouldn't). We got into a hellacious argument in the car on the way home. She was mad that on friday night I fixed myself something to eat and didn't give her any. I only did that after she decided to lay around and not go get us anything after SHE suggested it. Oh fuckin well.....

Yesterday was the worst though and I won't get too into it here. But the big blowup finally happened. A lot of f bombs were dropped. Some unsavory things were said about my mother(not really sure why) then the dreaded bilznitch got laid on the table. Yeah folk I went THERE. Needless to say neither of us are very happy right now.

So there you have it my weekend in a nutshell.

I'm out

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Steez Goes to the Doctor

What it look like folk? Its ya main square Steez with some 925 action fo' y'all. Not much been goin on with me man just maintaining. Dealing with allergy season all this pollen in the air is killing me. But that's about it though. I'm gonna get right to this post shall we?

So yesterday I was off from work due to a doctors appointment. Now I could have easily taken a half day. But I'm a young male who hasn't been to the doctors office in years, so I needed the time to mentally prepare. Since this was my first visit to a new office I arrived a half hour early to fill out all the paperwork. My appointment was @ 2:30 I was sent into the back at about 2:40. The waiting area was packed with just about every demographic you could think of. I was glad I didn't have to sit out there for long. While waiting dor my charts to be prepared the thick slightly hood receptionist engaged me in some light flirting.

When I got back to the exam room it wasn't long before another young black female, this one trying her damndest to mask a jamaican accent, came in and got my vitals. Before leaving she said "please remove all of your clothing. The gown opens to the front". The sexual proposition threw me off. But my elation was soon replaced with fear. I soon realized that my balls were in fact going to be handled by Dr. Fowler.

So there I sat, in some kind of paper towel like robe. With only a larger section of paper separating my naughty bits from whomever decided to walk through the door. It was like a Cinemax porn version of "Let's Make a Deal" and I was the host Monty Balls. I sat there uncomrortably looking through pamphlets about depression and Irratable Bowel Ssyndrome. I realized you should never read those. Because the symptoms laid out are often so vague they basically GIVE you the disease.

After maybe 12 minutes, which seemed like 12 hours, Dr Fowler came in. A tall caramel skinned woman probably around my mothers age. She was very pleasant and even a little funny at times. The checkup was over in about 20 minute...and yes the little guys were inspected. Everything was good for the most part. My blood pressure and weight are a little high,but I knew that already. And thankfully with continued exercise my back will continue to get stronger and hurt less. I also received my referal to the urologist. Yep I'm sorry ladies but the biggest square is hangin 'em up. Lol.

All in all it was a cool experience...I feel better after having gone. I will try to keep it up.

I'm out

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Keeping Your Distance from Bullsh!t

What it look like folk? Its me Steez back at y'all once again. On a beautiful morning here in Philly. Even though its early the sunbeams are kissing all over my face. There is a slight chill in the air. I like that though, guess its the Pittsburgh in me. Other than that nothing much is going on with me. Despite nursing my sore shoulder I had a great jiu jitsu class last night. But enough about me let's get to the matter at hand. Shall we?

This blog is in response to a couple of emails I got from a woman that reads the blog. She's somewhat like a lurker and wishes to go unnamed so I will respect that. In fact she is the woman who's brother I mentioned in the blog about the criminal mindset a few weeks ago if y'all remember. Anywho she hit me about some mo' stuff.

First up, she told me that last week her brother(not the one that is in jail) was jumped and had his phone stolen in response to this this womans entire family(her included) went to the peoples house to get the phone back or beat the people up or both. Of course none of the above happened. I was baffled when she told me this. When I asked why she went she said she only went because her mom went. Which baffled me even more. I've been doing some self evaluation lately. I've realized that I don't really have any close friends that I've known for a really long time. Why? Because I tend to not get close to people so that in the event they do some bullshit I can go thaaaatta way. It happens all the time.

Next she told me that yesterday her brother that is locked up, was seen by a judge yesterday and is being sent upstate. This man was just released over a month ago. But not having a clear and present aversion to bullshit to bullshit landed him right back. Also recently one of Butterbears brothers was shot....ON SOMEBULLSHIT. Details are sketchy, but when police have to guard your hospital room, its safe to say you were in and around some bullshit.

Now in all of these cases bullshit was there and presented itself as bullshit. Obviously the last 2 ended worse than the first one. What we have to do is get good at identifying bullshit and getting as far away from it as possible. Whether its relatoonship bullshit, ghetto bullshit, business bullshit or just a bullshitting person. Get the fuck away from it. So many people tend to think that being involved in bullshit is going to somehow be advantageous to them. It won't. Even if the detriment doesn't come until way down the line its going to present itself. A lot of time the reprecussions will be wasted time and energy resulting in missed opportunity. Basically, you'll be sitting there when its over in your jail cell, hospital bed, ghetto living room wondering what else you could have been doing.

As for bullshit people or people that like to be around bullshit. Distance your self from them immediately. For starters they deal in bullshit all the time so they know what they are doing. You don't. Which means YOU'RE the one that is gonna end up fucked up behind their bullshit. A kid just got killed in Philly walking down the street with someone that was on some bullshit. The bullshitter is alive and well and not snitchin of course. Secondly, if you deal with bullshit individuals they will inevitably start bullshitting you. Which you will either reject and have to deal with a bullshit situation to get rid of them(see my first blog) or you will accept it and start bullshitting yourself, which will eventually lead to you becoming a bullshitter yourself.

In the end, as an adult bullshit should not be fun, cute, cool etc. That shit is annoying to people that have any sense at all. Stay away from bullshit at all costs. It'll ruin your life. I bullshit you not.

I'm out

Monday, May 11, 2009

Pleasure & Pain

What it look like good folk? Its ya resident square Count Steezula, or just Steez if you're into the brevity thing. It was a beautiful weekend here in the city of brotherly thugs. After 11 straight days of rain the tepurature went up and the sun came out. I hope yall mothers out there had a good day for mothers day. I'm sure in most cases it was well deserved. But I'm gonna get right into this blog shall we?

The title of this post is Pleasure & Pain as you can see. Those two words most adequately sum up my weekend. Chronologically the pain comes first so that's what I'm about to touch on. So Saturday was Butterbears turn to take our daughter to dance class. She took all of the kids, so I decided to go to jiu jitsu class. This was my first time at a weekend class so I was pumped. It was packed as shit in there as I expected. There were people in there that I've never even seen before. So I paired off with a guy named Todd(my brothers name...which is ironic) a middle aged white guy, who kinda resembles Bob Ross in look and attitude. I've observed this guy before and he looked like a good partner if your looking for a challenge. He is a bluebelt with good size to him and a somewhat awkward yet effective technique. Well, on this particular day we were learning some chokes from the knee to stomach position. Knee to stomach is exactly what it sounds like, one person on their back the other to their side with their knee planted in the other persons stomach. One of the chokes we did was to slide your hands into each side of the persons collar and grab the material(the person on top does this) then drop your shoulder to their chest and walk your legs around until in a 69 like position. This creates a vice around their neck with your arms and the material of their shirt. Well I was on the bottom. And the proper position to take is with one hand up protecting your head from knees and other strikes. Well when Todd began the choke my arm that was protecting my head got trapped between his hip and bicep. Don't ask me how. The fucked up part is that was to be the hand I was gonna tap out with to make him release the hold. I couldn't free it until my elbow was almost pointed straight above my head. I tapped and he let go, completely unaware of what just happened. I sat up with an insane amount of pain in my right shoulder. As I moved it around to see if it was dislocated, broken or anything else. It wasn't so I continued to train MACHO MAAAAAN!!!(c) Richard Pryor. So hear I am monday morning on my way to work, with what is most likely a separated shoulder. The things we do....

Now onto the pleasure. For mothers day I took Butterbear to a restaurant called Fogo De Chao. Its a Brazilian Steakhouse here in downtown Philly. They specialize in the guapo style of service which is basically all you can eat. Its not a buffet though. How it works is you get seated(thankfully I made reservations) and your "server" let's you know what your side dishes are and that you will keep getting them as long as you can take it. And that the salad bar is there for you too. She instructed us not to fill up on the salad bar though. So we went over to the salad bar and had at it. I got a nice bed of lettuce with cucumbers tomatoes croutons and a nice oil based dressing. I guess it was some kind of vinegrette. I also took some bread and this fruit type salad. It was made of apples, raisins and some kind of dressing, very tasty. When we got back to the table our sides were waiting for us, a plate of mashed potatoes dressed with chives, paprika, and cheese, a plate of fried plantains, and this plate of a fried bread od some sort, and a basket of rolls. Also as the server told us our cards were on the table. Two circular cards that resembled coasters. One side red, one side green. We both ate a little then turned our cards from red side up, to green. Within minutes the men walking around with different cuts of meat on the skewers were stopping at our table offering us some, everything from sirloin, prime rib, lamb leg, lamb chops, pork roast, sausage, filet mignon wrapped in bacon, chicken wrapped in bacon...the works. You can have as much as you want, whatever you want as long as your card is green. Then you can turn to red so you can eat without being bothered. Then back to green if you desire. Its a very cool experience. Butterbear really enjoyed it. I would recommend this spot to y'all. They are located all over the country, Google Fogo De Chao to see if one is in your area. Now I warn you its a pretty pricey spot, its like 40 bucks per person but id say its well worth it if you're a carnivore.

Aiiight y'all that's it for me. Don't forget to shoot me your questions and topics.

I'm out

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Randomocities the Sequel

What it look like folk? Its Steez back at ya once again with these Chronicles. I was happy at the response I got to my first question and answer post, and hope y'all keep hitting me up with topics and questions. Oh and I don't mind if y'all ask me personal questions....within reason. Underdig? Also I got some emails asking how things are with me and Butterbear. Things are good. We had a good discussion Monday night actually. Both got some things off our chest...both conceded that I am and always will be right....lol. nah but on the rilla real, its good and we are back on the same page. Shout to Serenity for jumping in my ass with her response to that blog...lol. I just had some random shit for y'all today....uhhh so onto the post shall we?

1. I love riding the subway, you can rip some hellacious farts down there and nobody will know.

2. What's up with the feeling of solidarity that you have with total strangers when you see the have the same mobile device or pda....but you wan to kill them if they have the same kicks.

3. Swine flu has made it so that coughing or sneezing in public makes you feel like the ultimate black sheep.

4. How tight are pants gonna get before enough is enough.

5. People kill me, they will drink disgusting "detox" solutions...when eating yummy fruits and veggies with water clean you out just as good, if not better?

6. What's with the infomercial with the dude advising you on bowel movements?

7. Just ripped another one.....they STILL don't know

8. I wonder if Ricky Hatton woke up yet

9I don't know why...but white muslims are really funny to me.
10. It really sucks that my TV fucks up when a helicopter goes over my house now that I have a digital converter

11. I think the lady next to me may be on to my little gas operation...must relocate

11. Happy mothers day to all the moms that read this

I'm out

Monday, May 4, 2009

Half Assed Effort

What it look like good folk? Its ya friendly neighborhood sqare Steez reporting for duty. I'm out here in the rain debating whether I should walk to the El or catch the bus. But enough about me, its about the blog....shall we?

Its a cold rainy morning, and my mood is similar to the weather. Butterbear and I haven't really spoken since thursday. Mostly because of what I deem to be her half assed efforts. This all started when I was at jiu jitsu class on Thursday. When I get my phone after class I see that she had left me a voicemail. See, when I go to class I take her car and leave my truck, just in case she needs to load up the kids and go somewhere. On this particular evening she needed to go to the bank. She also had plans to pick up some dinner from pizza hut. Her phonecall was to inform me that while in the car my oldest vomitted. So I called her after listening to the message, she assured me that the mess was cleaned up, and our daughter was alright. I asked her to spray my strawberry car freshner so the stench wouldn't linger. Her response "you can do that when you get home". At this point she told me that she hadn't gotten dinner so she would meet me outside when I arrived so she could do that. When I got there she came out to the car, I made a b line to my vehicle to spray it down. After spraying the 1st and second row, I went to the rear of the truck and opened the hatch so I could spray the 3rd row. It was at this point I was greeted by a football sized pile of vomit that resembled hamburger helper, and its splashes on the back of my gray leather seats. My bloodpressure surely rose to stroke levels. Realizing that after a grueling class I would have to perform some type of yoga activity to even get back there to clean it.

To be clear Butterbear did offer to clean it. But I didn't want anymore half assed efforts from her. I did it myself. Now, it is her contention that she didn't see the spit up. I believe her. THAT'S why the effort was half assed. Why wouldn't you look back there? Considering that's where her seat is. Granted she threw up more in the middle of the car, but still. When cleaning anything you should be looking everywhere, especially when cleaning up something like vomit it could be any and everywhere.

So after discussing this, she gets mad. As if I shouldn't have said anything. This pissed me off further. She was going downstairs so I asked her to bring my phone charger out of my bag. I must let it be known that I did not specify which bag, being that my bag I carry to work and my jiu jitsu bag were both downstairs at the time. But honestly which one would YOU think that its in? If you said the work bag you get a gold star, if you said jiu jitsu? You have detention. So upon searching my jiu jitsu bag she resolves that its not in there and tells me such. Why not check BOTH bags before giving up? Half assed effort. Its bullshit. And I deserve better.

This is something I have noticed is prevalent in married women, especially young married women. They do everything under the sun to GET the guy, then somewhere along the way everything food, effort, poo see etc gets rationed out. What's up with that? That's for everybody, you should get out of a situation what you put in. If you give 100% you should receive 100%. Anything less is some half assed bullshit. Maybe its our faults for having so much faith and marrying y'all so quickly. But I tend to believe that muhfukas get complacent. Which is not the way to achieve anything. Be happy with what you have but you should never be satisfied. Satisfaction breeds comfort, comfort breeds laziness. Who wants a lazy muhfucka?

I'm out

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Letting It Go

What it look like folk? Its ya boy Steez right back at y'all. Its been a dreary ass weekend. Rainy and cold...well not really cold but definitely not as warm as its been. Butterbear and I checked out the Wolverine movie on Friday. That shit was cool. The action was definitely on point. But they really bastardized the story. I'm not gonna ruin anything but they really changed a lot of shit from the comics. Yesterday I hooked up with the homies to watch Pacqiao beat the brakes off of Ricky Hatton. It was good to get out the crib though. Well people I got my first blog question in my email. So ima get to it....shall we.

My first question comes from a female reader. BossLady82. She is currently going though some bullshit with her man so she wanted me to address moving on after having been with someone for a while.

Funny shit right before I read her email, I was doing some facebook stalking. I saw some chick from my pasts page. Apparently she was engaged at some point and somewhere along the way that shit fell apart. She referenced having to "start all over again". That shit is hilarious considering she is only 25. That's some shit I see a lot though. First we put too much importance on who we are with. Some muhfuckas hang their whole identity on who they are with. That in itself makes it hard to "move on". You always have to maintain a sense of identity. A sense of self. Basically what I'm saying is, a big part of moving on is not attaching yourself to begin with. May sound cold but its a reality.

Something else, if the muhfucka that you're with fucked up, you didn't lose anything. Think of it as gaining freedom. Fuck 'em and feed 'em fish.

Well Bosslady82 I hope that was adequate. I'm not much of an advice guy so I tried to generalize it. And for the rest of y'all don't forget to hit me up with questions or blog topics fsteez44@gmail.com also shout out to Mel and his family for giving me a spot to watch the fight...big up to his mom for making the bangin food...big up to Monsta for drivin my drunk ass home.

I'm out.