Friday, October 16, 2009

Mama Told Me There'd Be Days Like This

What it look like folk? Its that square guy Steez back at y'all with some of these chronicles. I'm fittin to get right to it as I'm not in the mood to fuck around today. Shall we?

Well my marriage is essentially over. Among other problems(some that I have written about on this very blog) Butterbear caught me out there fuckin around. The story is the same as you've heard from several young black people you know. Girl suspects something, girl goes through boys shit, girl finds out about other girl, shit hits fan. That happened like 3 weeks ago or two. I don't know. In any event she doesn't want me anymore and I have finally gotten the out that I've been looking for for the past few years, or was I?

As I write this I am trying my damndest to stay objective and not trash her. But at the same time this is MY blog, not a Boyz II Men song. Feel me? When its all said and done we both fell short of what we should have been. And while her missteps aren't as openly egregious as mine, they hold no less weight. Basically saying, if we stated that the rules were to be one way, and she circumventented them for her own game isn't that "cheating". Word game? Maybe.

I wrote a blog some months ago questioning whether we were ready to be married when we jumped the broom almost 7 years ago. I came to the summation that we(or at least I) wasnt/weren't. Over the past few days my wife has sounded like a Mary J song mixed with a lifetime movie. Fuck that. All that "I just want my family and my life back, but YOU ruined it" she even had the nerve a week ago to say she wants her freedom. WHAT?!?!?!? Not to be callous but isn't she the one who went through my personal belongings like I was a prison inmate. FOH.

In short, as a man I acknowledge any and all wrongdoing. I take responsibility for my actions. I was wrong for stepping out. I was wrong for being decietful to the woman I vowed to be honest with. But most of all I was wrong for being shortsighted enough that I failed to realize that to HER marriage was the destination and not the beginning of the journey. And lastly I was wrong for not listening to my mother.....

I'm out


  1. Stay up Steezo. You got the rest of your life ahead of you. Take care of your babies, and make sure you enjoy life for what it is...a long winding journey, of learning and growing.


  2. Sorry to hear that.

    That's all I got!

  3. The past is what your gotta build your future on. This is not the end. LOL@ Boys II Men song.
