Monday, July 5, 2010

Believing Your Own Bullsh!t

What it look like folk? Its ya boy Steez back at you with these chronicles. I know its been a looooooooong time. I was gonna be at you guys with one of these like once a week. But blogging from my new phone is still kind of uncomfortable. And I'm lazy when it comes to shit like that....please forgive me. Well here it is...July 5th. I wanna start by saying I hope all of you guys had a great 4th...and you kept it safe. I wanna shout out my big homie Monsta, JB and anyone that was at the cook out yesterday where we ate, drank...cheefed...and them blew then blew the block the fuck up. It was a good time...and right now my flatulence smells like I digested several small woodland creatures...and hopefully we can do it again. What else...OH!!! I'm about to be riding out to Dominican Republic in a couple weeks. I will DEFINITELY blog from there...and yall will see pictures. Let yall know how a SQUARE does it in the island...dig? Well, thats about lets get to the chronicles....shall we....

As you can see in the title...this post is about bullshit. Everyday we encounter bullshit. Work bullshit. Home bullshit. Relationship bullshit. Miscellaneous bullshit. The list is quite endless. We tend to combat all of these different types of bullshit. All in different ways. But we are a lot less confrontational when it comes to us bullshitting ourselves. That is what I wanted to examine here today. The 3 kinds of bullshit that you will give yourself that you need to avoid....lets get it.

#1. Bullshit that you want to believe.

This is the most common. Fat broads make believing that liquid spandex is a good idea. Dudes acting like their balls are comfortable in skinny jeans. This is all stuff we do to ourselves because we want to fit in or appear to be "normal". Everyone of us has idiosyncrasies. And EVERY one of us deep down inside wishes that we didn't. So instead of working on said quirks...or even more trying to learn to cope with them and make them work for us. We pretend they don't exist all together. This is dangerous, as you will ALWAYS end up looking like a fool in the eyes of people that you want to impress/merge with. This is most commonly combatted with the urban phrase "do you". Basically, be yourself and everything will fall in line.

#2 Bullshit you need to believe

In this I will reference myself. Bullshit you need to believe is most commonly something that you have had to come to terms with i.e. choosing the wrong mate, getting swindle out of money or opportunity. Simply put, you made a bad decision and do keep from harming others or harming yourself, you have to lie to yourself to make it okay. Obviously I am referring to my situation with Bitch Treachery. In life we all make bad choices. Very few of us can own up to it and keep moving. We HAD to do xyz for the kids...or because it was our only source of income...or because we grew up fucked up. Whatever the excuse is...its just excuse. I will say without a doubt this is the most dangerous...AND the most common method of self bullshittery ouit there. Mainly because it is easier to blame someone else than it is to look inside and see what the REAL cause of the situation is. Most commonly it revolves around anxiety, insecurity, depression, and failure to come to grips with our own inferiority.

#3 Bullshit you've learned/been taught/retained

This is a funny one. As we have all been exposed to the same bullshit over the years and largely we have all let go of it. Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy etc. By and large we were all fed this bullshit. Used it for what it was worth. Then let it go when it was no longer advantageous. The funny part is somewhere along the way, our bullshit filtration mechanisms started malfunctioning. Somehow what happened to Moniques cousins girlfriends neice is somehow relevant to YOU'RE life and must be hung onto like gospel. Or what Jeromes brothers homie said is a valid way for you to govern your life and experiences. Not to say we can't recieve jewels from the world. But you must realize that every thing shiny isn't valuable. Most of the time its bullshit. let it go and move the fuck on.

#4 Bullshit you've GROWN to believe

This one is mostly based on our own experiences. And can be simply stated in the sentence "All men cheat". I hear this shit ALL the time. As far as I know there is no real concrete evidence on the percentage of men that cheat vs the percentage that don't. But some dumb broad got cheated on by the last couple dudes she messed with and all of a sudden those couple guys are part of some monolithic group. To the naked eye this may be the same as #1(bullshit you want to believe) but its not. See, this one is funny because it is bullshit that even you haven't fully bought into. Its more of a defense mechanism. A smoke screen of sorts. Because as where the first one people can CLEARLY see/smell/hear what it is you are trying to compensate for...this one is something more complex. Think about that fine guy/girl that has a good job, nice belongings, intelligent etc...yet they can never find luck in relationships or any other social field. They will have you believe that because their flaws aren't worn outright, that they simply don't exist and the problem is on everyone else. THEY know they have a shitty attitude, or can't formulate a sentence without referrencing Housewives of Atlanta...but to the naked eye they are perfect and they have GROWN to believe that you are the one that is messed up.

Well there is is folk. There are more types of self bullshittery out there....and I will get into them in the future. These are the ones I see most in myself and in others. And the ones I want to you watch out for the most. You can't expect someone to take you seriously when every action you have is a joke...dig?

I'm out


  1. Yo, I like it....I know you may have forgotten who I am its big homie from sterrett my phone is so fucked so hit me on my email until I break down and bow down to tmobile its on my fb page....imma need you to post on a more regular basis period....good topic tho, because there is far to much bullshit laying in everyone closet

  2. Ahhh #2, yes it is the most common and the most dangerous. As a WOMAN, it is what we do, we look within ourselves, we blame ourselves, we check ourselves...alas, i seem to know a lot more GIRLS than women. Peep this, my 13yr old says everything is everyones fault. she missed the bus because the driver didnt wait for her even though she was running late---GIRL. Chick at my job was written up for being late. She cussing hooping and hollering saying its not her fault, the train changed schedules---GIRL. As a woman, imma say, damn my lazy ass needs to get the phuck up before i get fired.
    As far as #4, grown. if you are grown then you are dead or stunted. either way, i want no parts of anyone GROWN.
