What it look like good folk? Its ya favorite square Steez, back at you with some chronicles. Fresh off a little stay-cation here in the illadelph. The past few days have had me preparing for a fall without football...what can I do? Maybe yall can get at me with some suggestions. Anywho, lets get down to bidness as I spit these here Chronicles....shall we?!?!?!
"The grass is always greener on the other side. What most people don't know is that there is shit in it too". This is a paraphrase of a saying that a wise woman told me. I find it to be very true. Nothing is as good as it seems. But, what happens when you notice the shit? In other words...when you see something is fucked up...how do you react? The majority of you that read this, have either not seen me in years. Or never met me in person. So aside from reading these words whenever I decide to drop them, you have no idea how deep the rabbit hole known as BT goes. Well, let me learn ya. Since the time that the whole saga with Bitch Treachery began, I have been chipped away at, emotionally, mentally, financially, and physically. Aside from gaining over 100 pounds during the course of my sham of a marriage. My emotional and mental fragility of the time led me to care less and less about my physical appearance. This is no feel sorry for Steez party....I'm feeling like a million bucks. But I'm just setting the table.
It was brought to my attention recently by someone close to me that during my moments of most turmoil, there were people that found humor in my unfortunate situation. Now, at first I brushed this off. But after some more thought it kinda angered me. Not because of who said anything about me. They can all kiss my ass and write a love song about it. But the reason I was perturbed is because, if people had known what I was going through would they still have mocked me? These particular people? Probably. But the average person? Do we really sit and think about the next person before we cast our judgment? No matter how correct it may be on the surface. I hear a lot of bullshit come out of peoples mouths on a daily basis. But the problem comes when the target of the criticism reacts.
"You don't know what I been through....Hell, I might go through you"(c) Andre 3000
More people should heed this line. Lobbing criticism at the wrong person can be fatal. In this era of hypersensitivity about EVERYTHING...fucking with someone with an actual problem is damn near suicidal. Take me for instance. When I was staying with BT, I liken every day that I was there to a war vet living behind enemy lines. Anything could have happened at any time. When I think about the mindset that I carried into every day...it gives me chills. Would you fuck with a shellshocked 'Nam vet? Bottom line, I don't cry any tears for the bully that gets his eye blacked.
When its all said and done...people are gonna be malicious to other people. And those other people are gonna occasionally fuck up their offenders. What we all need to know is...The edge is closer for a lot people than you may think. Go listen to Melle Mel before pushing them....
I'm out
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