What it look like folk?!?!?! Guess who? You damn right....its ya favorite square, Steez. And I'm back at yall with some more of these 925 Chronicles. In fact this is the first entry of the new year. I know a lot of yall missed me...some more than others. I'm not even gonna apologize about missing time...I'm just gonna make it up to yall with these chronicles. Before I get started, I would like yall to know....being that its a new year..I'm feeling revitalized...re energized...way more positive. I'm gonna try some different things with this blog...just to keep it crispy for yall and keep my readers on they toes...underdig? As always your input is always welcome...get at me if you have an idea on blog topics or anything like that...aiiight? But thats that....lets get on to these chronicles....shall we?!?!?!
As we sit here at the beginning of a new year...I find myself looking forward. Trying to move on to bigger and better things. But as always, as I'm sure it is with a lot of folk, the past has a way of rearing its head(sometimes that muthafucka isn't even ugly...other times its unsightly). I've always prided myself on not having a rear view as it pertains to life. Simply put, things in the past, stay there. But no matter how hard I try...some things, and people, keep resurfacing. So much so that I have to ask why. Is it fate? Prolly not. If it was, wouldn't fate have saw to it that I never let the person or thing go to begin with?
Something I've realized, in all of my inter personal relationships, I am typically the youngest person involved. I attribute my always looking forward to whats next to that. Its funny, when I talk to my committee...they be thinking back on old cartoons, clothing, music, toys etc. I am usually really quiet. Not because I haven't experienced these things...or because I am running from anything. But mainly, I don't really care about that kind of stuff. I fondly think about the past but rarely do I want to revisit it. That is no knock on those that do. But when I think about the past I always am reminded of a few things:
1. How much I fucked up in the past
which leads to
2. How fucked up my present is
which makes me think
3. how much I fear fucking up in the future
Now I know that not everyone thinks like this. If they did, there wouldn't be a Hub network.
Recently the past revisited me. And much like Ebeneezer Scrooge...it scared me almost to death...well, in reality it scared me to life. For the first time, looking my past in the face...I was able to look at my present...and embrace it. I guess there is a first time for everything huh.....Maybe I'll watch some Marshall Bravestarr before I go to bed....
I'm out.
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