Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Man Gotta Have A Code

What it do folk? Its ya boy Steez. Finally back at yall with another episode of these here chronicles. So, what yall been up to? Me? sheeeeeit I've been on my way to freedom. I can't really divulge it all right now...but just not bitch treachery is making her way toward my rear view. I haven't been up to much though. Just putting ducks in a row. Chilling in the bat cave. But enough about me...lets get on to these chronicles.....shall we?!?!?!

Up,up,down,down,left,right,left,right,a,b,a,start. Codes. A man has to have one. Not having one doesn't make you less of a man. But, if you are in fact a man, why don't you have one. Codes. What does that mean? To me? Everyone I know? You need to have a list of things you will and won't do no matter what. Some people may say morals...some people may say values. But when its all said and done, its a code. Just like the video game reference above...it is something that is written into your make up that FORCES you to conduct yourself in a certain way. Walk with me....

I like to pretend that I'm the only square in the world. The only nigga out here paying rent, buying groceries, babysitting...all for a treacherous bitch that doesn't deserve it. But I'm not. I also agree that in the past few years I have made myself less of a man(or square) for said treacherous bitch. But with that said....there is some shit that I Just...Won't....Do!!!! For instance...this very batcave that I am writing to you...my family..from. Bitch Treachery knows nothing about(stay tuned...I PROMISE...friday evening I will explain this). The maker and owner of said batcave...is it THIS person..is it THAT person...fuck it...its like the answer to "how many licks...." The world may never know. So as you see, there are certain things that I have no problem divulging...and others that will go to a grave..be it mine...hers...or ours.

I suppose the street way of saying what I'm saying here is most easily compared to the "Stop Snitching" movement. LOL. While that shit was dumb as fuck....you have to admire a group of people that have no obvious moral foundation...collectively agreeing on a single solitary virtue. So...as a square...why haven't YOU?!?!?! Thats the beautiful thing about codes...they don't have to make sense to anyone but the person that created them...but at the same time anyone that chooses, must submit fully and totally to them. Bottom line....nigga...develop a code...and you don't have to submit to a muthafuckin thing...figgadeal me?

When its all said and done..a man/woman you should decide what you are and aren't bout. What and won't you put up with. This is bigger than all the petty shit that most niggas bicker over. Its about how you conduct yourself. Moreover, its not about HOW....its about WHY...in closing I want to say this.....the person that knows how will always have a job....the person that knows why will always be their boss. Have a code.....

I'm out....

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