Monday, May 4, 2009

Half Assed Effort

What it look like good folk? Its ya friendly neighborhood sqare Steez reporting for duty. I'm out here in the rain debating whether I should walk to the El or catch the bus. But enough about me, its about the blog....shall we?

Its a cold rainy morning, and my mood is similar to the weather. Butterbear and I haven't really spoken since thursday. Mostly because of what I deem to be her half assed efforts. This all started when I was at jiu jitsu class on Thursday. When I get my phone after class I see that she had left me a voicemail. See, when I go to class I take her car and leave my truck, just in case she needs to load up the kids and go somewhere. On this particular evening she needed to go to the bank. She also had plans to pick up some dinner from pizza hut. Her phonecall was to inform me that while in the car my oldest vomitted. So I called her after listening to the message, she assured me that the mess was cleaned up, and our daughter was alright. I asked her to spray my strawberry car freshner so the stench wouldn't linger. Her response "you can do that when you get home". At this point she told me that she hadn't gotten dinner so she would meet me outside when I arrived so she could do that. When I got there she came out to the car, I made a b line to my vehicle to spray it down. After spraying the 1st and second row, I went to the rear of the truck and opened the hatch so I could spray the 3rd row. It was at this point I was greeted by a football sized pile of vomit that resembled hamburger helper, and its splashes on the back of my gray leather seats. My bloodpressure surely rose to stroke levels. Realizing that after a grueling class I would have to perform some type of yoga activity to even get back there to clean it.

To be clear Butterbear did offer to clean it. But I didn't want anymore half assed efforts from her. I did it myself. Now, it is her contention that she didn't see the spit up. I believe her. THAT'S why the effort was half assed. Why wouldn't you look back there? Considering that's where her seat is. Granted she threw up more in the middle of the car, but still. When cleaning anything you should be looking everywhere, especially when cleaning up something like vomit it could be any and everywhere.

So after discussing this, she gets mad. As if I shouldn't have said anything. This pissed me off further. She was going downstairs so I asked her to bring my phone charger out of my bag. I must let it be known that I did not specify which bag, being that my bag I carry to work and my jiu jitsu bag were both downstairs at the time. But honestly which one would YOU think that its in? If you said the work bag you get a gold star, if you said jiu jitsu? You have detention. So upon searching my jiu jitsu bag she resolves that its not in there and tells me such. Why not check BOTH bags before giving up? Half assed effort. Its bullshit. And I deserve better.

This is something I have noticed is prevalent in married women, especially young married women. They do everything under the sun to GET the guy, then somewhere along the way everything food, effort, poo see etc gets rationed out. What's up with that? That's for everybody, you should get out of a situation what you put in. If you give 100% you should receive 100%. Anything less is some half assed bullshit. Maybe its our faults for having so much faith and marrying y'all so quickly. But I tend to believe that muhfukas get complacent. Which is not the way to achieve anything. Be happy with what you have but you should never be satisfied. Satisfaction breeds comfort, comfort breeds laziness. Who wants a lazy muhfucka?

I'm out


  1. I have yet to hear you mention anything regarding what HER day/evening had been like? If your child vomited in the car, I'm thinking it happened while the car was in motion. Now your wife has to find a place to safely stop the car, see if YOUR child is ok and didn't aspirate any vomit (because that could kill your child), clean it up all while worrying about the child and other children. Now she has to rush this child home and put him/her to bed and make sure the other children are okay too. And what were you doing? Oh yeah, taking a voluntary pleasure class. Gotcha. Yeah she was wrong. And after all this drama you want her to run your errands for you. Selfish, just selfish.

    You know in the beginning men are all attentive and promise you the world. They promise women if you will just give them a minute they will take care of you the rest of their lives... They fall thru with the promises too.

    This was more than you were expecting. It was more than I was planning to write too.


  2. @ Serenity. From what i was told the car wasnt in motion. My daughter was climbing from the back to the front to get out of the car. I'm not knocking what she DID do. But the fact that she did something doesnt negate the fact that she didnt complete the task at hand. I guarantee that had this happened in HER car she would have done a more thorough job.

  3. I have no idea why this affected me like that. Y'all go on and fix things.

  4. LOL @ Serenity. I have no comment.
