Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Randomocities the Sequel

What it look like folk? Its Steez back at ya once again with these Chronicles. I was happy at the response I got to my first question and answer post, and hope y'all keep hitting me up with topics and questions. Oh and I don't mind if y'all ask me personal questions....within reason. Underdig? Also I got some emails asking how things are with me and Butterbear. Things are good. We had a good discussion Monday night actually. Both got some things off our chest...both conceded that I am and always will be nah but on the rilla real, its good and we are back on the same page. Shout to Serenity for jumping in my ass with her response to that I just had some random shit for y'all today....uhhh so onto the post shall we?

1. I love riding the subway, you can rip some hellacious farts down there and nobody will know.

2. What's up with the feeling of solidarity that you have with total strangers when you see the have the same mobile device or pda....but you wan to kill them if they have the same kicks.

3. Swine flu has made it so that coughing or sneezing in public makes you feel like the ultimate black sheep.

4. How tight are pants gonna get before enough is enough.

5. People kill me, they will drink disgusting "detox" solutions...when eating yummy fruits and veggies with water clean you out just as good, if not better?

6. What's with the infomercial with the dude advising you on bowel movements?

7. Just ripped another one.....they STILL don't know

8. I wonder if Ricky Hatton woke up yet

9I don't know why...but white muslims are really funny to me.
10. It really sucks that my TV fucks up when a helicopter goes over my house now that I have a digital converter

11. I think the lady next to me may be on to my little gas operation...must relocate

11. Happy mothers day to all the moms that read this

I'm out


  1. LOL @ you farting. You know your farts follow you right. lol

    Those "detoxing" solutions are huge because people want instant results. Like I told my cousin, you didn't gain weight over night so you can't lose it over night.

  2. You funni!

    Why was I on the bus today and this dude with some clear issues took a watery shit that sloshed on his shoes. I moved my seat, no on else did. So nasty. I have been smelling that all day! All I could think of was.... Steez!
