What it look like good folk. As promised its ya main square Count Steezly The Third back with another episode of these here chronicles. Ahhhh, life is kinda good for your gracious host right now. The grind is treating me great, payday is a day removed...and somehow I still have money in my pocket as I type this. What else could a lowly square ask for? Though there are some bad vibes floating around the room that I am writing this blog in...I really don't give a fuck. I feel good. So before I get too cheesy on yall lets get down to bidness.....shall we?
As I'm sure you read, this entry is about Bitch Treachery. The dictionary defines treachery as, violation of faith; betrayal of trust; treason. I know you are thinking, Steezly, what are you speaking of. As I said yesterday, I suspect copious amounts of bitch treachery taking place in my home. Everything from the destruction of my G1. To the complete absence of assistance in fixing the breaks(and various other afflictions) with my vehicle. Point blank the piece of pussy that I put a ring on has fallen way the fuck short of what I expected. The TRUST I instilled in her to be my backbone, my crutch, my rock has been betrayed to say the least.
Lets start with my vehicle. I am the proud owner of a square vehicle. A beautiful(well...not really) 2002 Mercury Mountaineer. For a few months this was the sole means of transportation for the entire F. Steez clan. Alas, in the midst of a nasty public transit strike, Mrs. Steez took this beloved vehicle(against my wishes) to work. At which it time it was promptly booted for various unpaid tickets. It was at this point that the bitch treachery hit new levels. When I asked her for assistance in retrieving vital documents from the truck, as to get the boot removed. I was met with swift and crippling resistance. It was no longe the problem of bitch treachery, merely a product of it. Glad to say, relying on sources that I shan't mention in these pages, I retrieved the documents. Phase two: Traffic court. After going to this foul cauldron of despair I walked away paying half of the tickets. Plus court fees. PLUS the fee to get the boot removed. Point blank a square dropped his whole pay check in court. With a little help from Mama Steez...aaaaand the aforementioned unnamed source I was aiiiight. But when I confronted the bitch treachery head on, I was met with the same blinding resistance. I was disgusted. I resolved at that moment, there would be no treacherous bitchery in the cozy confines of Baron Von Whippington III. This led to more bitch treachery that I will speak on at another time.
I am not the victim though. As I'm sure that most of my readers, especially those that know me personally, will agree with. I am one treacherous square. Not to be outdone. I have gone out of my way to meet this treachery head on. And offer an equal and opposite treacherous act at every turn. Such as, leaving the bitch stranded when her car died. Though I did offer to pick her up. The effort that accompanied it was lacking to say the least. Or in another instance, seeing to it that she went to bed hungry after she created circumstances that allowed me to recklessly wield such power. Let it be known, that all of my treachery has been in direct contention with my normal every day nature. It has taken some time. And an even larger amount of bullshit...but I can say that I have at least ONE treacherous bone in my body. But not enough to fuck up a perfectly good XBox 360....as it is suspected that this crazy bitch did. Thats just crossing the line aint it? you don't take a nigga's vice like that.
As you can see, treachery of any type is very dangerous...and equally stupid. We must avoid this behavior. It doesn't empower, it doesn't equal that imaginary score that only YOU are keeping. In the end all it does is make you look like a jealous, desperate, fool. I am not exempt, none of us are. While we like to cry foul when WE are the victims of treason. All seems to be quiet when we are the creators of it. Thus is human nature. But stil...I say, fuck all treacherous bitches.....
I'm out