Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Am I Ready To Be God?

What it look like folk? Its the main square Steez back at ya with some more of the chronicles. I'm currently on the el(elevated subway for those of y'all that don't know) on my way to work. Its biting cold outside and still dark. I love it when its like this. The city is quiet for the most part, but there is still a buzz in the air. Ahhhhhh wintertime in the urban metropolis. Well as you can prolly tell, your main square is in a contemplative zone right now. Some shit I want to share with y'all, so let's get down to bidness shall we?

I want to preface this post by saying, I won't regularly discuss religion or politics on here. While many people that know me personally know I'm always up for a good discussion on those topics(some have even expressed disappointment that I don't go into that on here) this is just a stream of consciousness journal to me. Whatever is on my mind is what I go in on. I am not on some pseudo intellectual, mental masterbation shit. Dig? Aiiight where were we?....
So yeah, am I ready to be God? Family for the past few years I've been on the outside looking in of a faction(don't call them a religion they REALLY hate that) called The Nation of Gods and Earths, or the fivee percenters as most people know them(you know Wu Tang, Poor Righteous Teachers, Nas...sometimes lol). Anywho I've been studying 120(their body of written lessons that one must commit to memory to become a full fledged member of the group) for like 4 years. With my homie Tislam Magnetic(check him out @ scienceofmagnetic.blogspot.com) taking on the role of my enlightener or teacher. Now the premise is pretry straight forward, you attain 120, internalize 120, then LIVE 120. So why am I still "stuck"?

Anyone that knows me knows I have a pretty vicious memory(marijuana induced lapses notwithstanding). I recall committing entire chapters of certain college texts to memory. Texts stuffed with psychological and philosophical jargon. I did that in a matter of days, only HALF trying. So why is this simply written. Series ogf 120 questions and answers giving me such hell? Cause I want it to. Why do I want it to? That's what I'm trying to figure out. I agree with the premise and ideology of the nation and the lessons, which states that the black man is God. But is that something I'm ready to BE?

I have met a lot of Gods from the nation in my life. They were all 1 of 2 different kinds of people. 1) stupid muthafuckas that ONLY knew the lessons therfore the lessons were the beginning and end to them) or 2) pompous muthafuckas that overstated their own intelligence. Some were both. My man Tislam was different though he came from a bind angle that sparked me unlike anyone else before. So when he passed off the lessons it was on. Not to be a dick but he was one of the few people who's intellect I could really vibe with.

So here I am. Why though? I was thinking long and hard about if I should continue down this path. Though I know I will because it is something that I am in agreeance with. My thing is, what is God(oh shit I'm getting all existential on muthafuckas)? Nah but what I mean is, God has always been a premise that was defined FOR me and not BY me. And what I know or believe God to be sure as hell ain't what I want for myself. And a big part of being God is getting those around you to "bear witness" to the fact that you are God. Which in and of itself isn't a problem for me. But what if what I teach my wife and kids what God is, turns out to be the same kind of bullshit that was fed to me? Feel me. Once I say I'm God then I'm ultimately responsible for the universe...if I create a Katrina level disaster there isn't a George Bush to blame it on. Not that I'm interested in passing the blame, and not that I don't already assume responsibility for the goings on in my family. Its just a thought.

So there you have it folk. My dilemma. The sun is out, I'm currently on the R6 to Norristown. Its still cold as shit. I'm gonna put my head on this glass and think a little bit....or probably go to sleep. I'm out

Oh and if you want to read some 5% blogs my man Tislam has a boat load of them linked to his blog, and one of my follower(Serenity Divine) has a couple.


  1. I liked what you had to say, but I think you should leave being GOD to the man upstairs:)

  2. Peace,

    I like the way that you manifest your wisdom G from one everyman to another :oD. Now, although I am part of the NGE I not leaving this comment to "flag wave" in any way, simply to build on my experience. What you will find is that "if" you decide to truly embrace the reality of yourself as God (which you are anyway) I won't bullshit you into thinking that everything about that will be peaches and cream. The reason is because as God, you are still a man living on Earth in the wilderness of North America so the same trials and tribulations that you currently deal with, you will still encounter. The thing about getting knowledge of self is that you put yourself on a path to answer a lot of the questions about your origin and the science of everything in life that for so long have gone unanswered. You become obsessed with being a knower as opposed to a believer. The mysticism that surrounds what you, me, and most other brothers were taught when we were children dissipates and you begin to see how mathematics permeates every aspect of life. Whatever decision you make, keep builiding and keep blogging fam. I have built with the God Tislam and he's peace so you are in good hands relative to studying this.

    C-Medina (Chicago)
