A conversation I had with a female co worker of mine brought an overlooked item in this topsy turvy economy. We've all learned to manage how to get the most gas for our money. How to supply the appropriate amount of food for our family. And most of us have even found some wiggle room for our vices. But something they AREN'T saying is the sky rocketing, pocket busting price of poo see. We have a crisis that needs to be addressed.
I thought back after my conversation about approximately what my poo see bill is at this point. I consider with the college education I lost while in pursuit of this liability, the time I could have spent with my mind on getting some money, I have a poo see tab in the tens of thousands of dollars. Maybe approaching a hunnid large. Be clear, the TIME I spent is immeasurable in value...I can't even calculate the value of the hours I spent chasing and humping on chicks. It saddens me people. But I see that the price of poo see is on the rise at a speed faster than crude oil or gold. With stupid niggas(male and female) with nothing to talk about, no real tangible goods, and no real aspirations poo see is at an all time high. But this ain't the stock market. There is no chance of winning. Whatever time or energy you "invest" in this resource is gone. There is no return. There is no interest. So men think about it long and hard before you deposit anything into this firm. There are niggas SPENDING the rest of their lives in prison behind poo see. Be it that they tried to steal it or kill someone for it. Either way you LOSE. There are far more fruitful endevours with a higher payout. Poo see will be there...it shouldn't be your incentive though. Think of it as a benefit. Ya dig?
Now for women, the exact opposite is true. Your poo see is declining in value. The market is currently flooded with cheap poo see. So you have to come with something else. Similar to wendys selling chili and baked potatoes. You can get a burger anywhere. So even though dudes out here are willing to pay any price for it, it puts the owners under pressure to think of new and creative ways to manufacture, promote, package, and distribute the product. And you can't forget to look at it as such. Its not the key to the universe, its not the secret to keeping a man, its not the magical answer to all of lifes question. Its a product, something that people will pay for one way or another, be it with time, energy or actual currency. This does not make you a prostitute or a whore. Think of yourself as an entrepreneur. Manipulate the value of your product with the right advertisement and you'll be sure to profit.
Now onto the seriousness of the matter as it pertains to us as a people. Now this is more for my brothers and sisters, but all are welcome to keep reading. The effect of this fluctuating price of poo see is having on our collective psyche. Niggas going morally bankrupt trying to maintain their poo see lifestyle. I'm talking about women and men neglecting home responsibilities such as kids, mates, the home, to chase or distribute poo see. Everything you have will go into forclosure for REAL. It is not worth it, if you can't afford it, put it off until you can. Niggas is out here like modern day bucks. Don't have shit but a swingin dick. Done lost they're kids, good women, and most importantly respect. Chasin some shit that don't stop runnin. Cut it the fuck out. Let's grow up, invest our resources wisely and live like kings and queens. Aiiiight?!?!?!?!
I'm out
Shout to Tis, Rick, and Mel for helping me give birth to this concept.
LOL. Love it!