Friday, March 6, 2009


What it look like folk. Its Steez back wit the brand new L7 shit for y'all. Just got som shit I wanna talk about wit y'all. So let's get to it. Shall we....

First off, I got me a date!!!!! Date, Date, DATE!!!!! Got a date with my mate!!! LOL. That's right me and Butterbear are sneaking off today to be together. Gonna get our geek on and catch Watchmen. I hope this jawn is as good as the comic, which I have been reading this past week. Either way I get to be wit my lady so I guess it don't really matter huh? I'll be sure to let y'all know how the movie is.

Gold star for whoever can tell me who the man in the picture above is. Hint: niggas do whatever they can to see to it that he stays obscenely rich. Just this past weekend I saw niggas looking like hyenas trying to get a piece of what he is selling.

On to the meat and potatoes of this blog though. How bout the bitch that my brother supposedly had a baby by(she was preggers when he shipped out to Iraq) has been lying the whole time. Here is the story. Mind you I've been sitting on this because my bro reads the blog and this was not the way for him to find out. Well, she was knocked when he shipped out Nov 3rd. 2 weeks later my mom gets a text from the girls mom saying she was in a car accident and the baby might not make it. She gave birth that day. The baby was placed in icu as the girl was only 5 months at the time. So the situation was grim. Now over the past 4 months this bitch has kept shaky communication with both my mom and brother. Most cases when she contacted either one of them it was to ask for money. A little history, she was staying in a spot my bro was paying rent on. At first he was sending her money for the rent. Somehow the rent didn't get paid and the landlord was wondering when he could expect 4 months of rent. The bitch spent it. Lord knows on what.

Anywho back to wednesday. My mom calls me at work saying this bitch just text her and said the baby died. TEXT!!!!! Now I can be pretty naive when it comes to hustles and scams, but my FIRST thought was that this was all a lie. The more I thought about the past 4 months the more holes became evident. Like why wouldn't she give anyone the number to the hospital. Why wouldn't she give my bro the info to get the baby put on his insurance? Among a heap of other shit. Well my mom being the gumshoe she is contacted the Family Readiness people in the military and had THEM call her as nobody had been able to contact her in a month. Well she answered, music blaring, not with a hint of grief in her voice. Come to find out none of the Ronald McDonald houses in the San Antonio area where she was supposedly staying while the baby was in the hospital have any record of her. Lying bitch!!!

Its fucked up, my thought is that she lost the baby when she had the wreck. And lied this whole time, as this was supposedly the time when the baby was gonna come home. It makes me sad to know that a baby, my niece, has died but never really got the familial respect that the situation deserved. I wish much retribution in the form of pain on the sick bitch that did this to my brother and mom. Fuck her.

Everyday there is a new testament to how shitty this world is. Another kid murdered, or woman raped. I'm going to see the Watchmen. A movie about superheroes. But the world I live in doesn't have many decent PEOPLE let alone heroes. Talk about irony....

I'm out


  1. Dammit. Dude face looks so familiar. I think he's a designer.

    I'm assuming the girl and your mom don't live in the same city. There's a special place in hell for her. And what's up with all the texting? Texting about being in an accident, texting saying the baby died. Those so disrespectful! Are yall sure she was even pregnant?

  2. Nah my mom lives in Pittsburgh, the chick is in Texas. texting is this girls thing i guess. she wont communicate any other way

  3. oh and noooooooooo gold star 4 southern gal, you pegged his profession so you can have a silver star :)
