What it look like good folk? You know who it is. If not, allow me to introduce myself..My name is Steez...and I'm a square. Good evening family. I'm sitting here 2 hours out the gym, and still sweating. Aint that a bitch(oops...can I say that word?..I'll explain later.) Anywho...not much going on over here...so lets get down to these chronicles...shall we?
So this morning on my way to work, I flip past the Star and Bucwild show. They were discussing this song "Open Letter to Lil Wayne". I listened for a minute, but since I didn't know what the fuck they were talking about it was boring so I changed to ESPN sports radio. Well, thanks to the internet, I saw a lot of my facebook friends put the video for this song up on their pages. My brother also personally emailed me a link to the video(Good look Dunndada). Well for those of you that haven't seen the video or heard the song...its 2 little girls(ages 10 and 9) airing their grievances with Mr. Dwayne Carter, finding fault with his misogyny, materialism, and drug use and references. Basically, they rehashed any argument that has been lobbied against hip hop from all of its detractors for the past 20 years. Now, I am in no way knocking the little girls for speaking up on a topic they feel strongly about. Actually, I commend them for that. But its the grown ups that I have a problem with.
"9 millimeter/and meat cleavers/in two seaters/I don't blame you/I wouldn't let Hailey listen to me neither". This is a line from Eminems song "My Dad's Gone Crazy". In this line he is basically making fun of all the idiots that let their kids listen to his painfully adult content, then turn around and blame him for them acting like adults and doing wild shit. This is actually my favorite line of his. Not because of the flow...not because of some wordplay...but because of the honesty. In this letter to little wayne, the girls reference his daughter. Something about her being a queen and him not calling her a bitch. LOL. I would wager that his daughter RARELY hears any of the music that has made her a young millionaire. But for some reason, the girls that wrote this song know a multitude of his lyrics. See what I'm getting at? I am no Lil Wayne fan, but hey...he makes music that people like. He makes music for adults. Kids shouldn't be subjected to what he's saying. And if they are? Buyer beware....If your kid stumbles upon your porn stash(don't act like you don't have one)...Do you get mad at Lexington Steele? No...just hide that shit better next time.
Next, The word BITCH....honestly, us as black people need to get the hell over this one. Well in particular, black women. If you're walking down the street and you hear someone say "murderer!!!" do you answer them? Well, if you've never killed anyone I would hope not. Listen, just because YOU aren't a bitch, doesn't mean bitches don't exist. And guess what...I've met more girls that I'd like to call bitches than ones I would refer to as queens. Sorry. This is not to say that dudes should just be calling all women bitches...but really? Who cares? If you aint a bitch, don't answer to the name.
In the song, the young women cite Lauryn Hill, Erykah Badu, and I think India.Arie as inspirations. See, this is a fuckin problem to me. This goes to show that too many people are judging books by the cover and not the words inside. Is Lil Wayne an idiot pretty much any time he gets in front of the camera? Yes. Are his lyrics inane to the point of being insulting? Absolutely. But do we know anything about his personal life? Not really. One thing I can say about him is that from everything I've seen, he is a pretty good father. Now...lets address Ms. Hill. Yeah, she sings a lot of pretty songs. Sips tea, and seems righteous. But lets be honest...she is a woman that has had long term relationships with TWO married men, having children with one of them. Somehow, this turned out to be the mens fault...fair enough. Now on to Miss "on and on Badu". This is a great singer, beautiful woman, that has 3 children by 3 different men, all out of wedlock. Now the wedlock part is neither here nor there. But, I could wager that if you went through history and looked up a bunch of Queens, not many are gonna be popping out kids for every nigga she meets with a nice smile and a record deal.
In closing, props to any person that stands up for whatever they believe in. But before you subject everyone else to it...it would be best to do a little homework first
I'm out....