Monday, December 13, 2010

Things Fall Apart

What it look like folk? Its ya boy Steez...your favorite square back with some more of these chronicles. The temperature here in the City of Brotherly bad..I mean Love, is dropping. No snow yet...good thing...I'm still sore from all the shoveling I did last winter. But I'm sure its coming. Whatever. But I'm gonna get right on to bidness...Shall we?!?!?!

I'm in a very contemplative mood right now. The past few days I've been thinking about marriage. Not just mine for once. But I have realized that a lot of young people have been getting married. Not just young people, but young black people especially. The majority of them have one thing in common. They are fucked up. For whatever reason I know a lot of people 30 and under that are either divorced, or on the urge of it. What the fuck is that about? I've asked a lot of people and the answer has pretty much been the same among all of them. But I still think I'm gonna dissect it a little more here. *This is for you Bosslady82...hope I can answer some questions that I couldn't yesterday*.

First I want to examine the mentality of young black men. This is the easiest since I am a young black man. I know a large factor of me deciding to get married was the fact that I grew up without a father. Now, my mother never outwardly trashed my father. But throughout life, my mother became the template for all virtues in the antithesis of that(my father) had to be all the bad things that could be represented in a man. This may or may not have been true. But it was this mentality that made me decide early on that I wanted to be NOTHING like my father. So when the time came...I found a broad that I liked...she got to be the opposite of that which I taught myself to despise...I got married. As I sit here typing this, I am not living in the same house as my children, and my marriage is over in every way other than legally. I see that I made a terrible mistake based on a half truth. Granted, all accounts show that my father is and was an asshole...I can't help but think what my children will think about me...will they ever truly understand the circumstances that made me leave. Will they care? Only time will tell...

Next, I want to speak on the mentality of black youth. Day in and day out as a black person in America, you are constantly told what you can, can't, will, won't, should, or shouldn't do. And as evidenced in our rap music, saggy pants, and backwards hats, our response has always been a resounding "fuck you". Throughout the late 80's, the entire 90's, and early 2000's we have been told that we are little more than baby mamas and baby daddies. And in more extreme cases we are bucks and breeders. I think there is a subconscious desire to remove those stigmas. I can also attest to this. I looked at my situation as "different", even though it was very much the same. I was a young, undereducated, underprivledged, black male from a single parent home. Can you say "cyclical"?

Also, I'd like to examine the "fantasy". As black people we tend to romanticize a lot of things. I have noticed that a lot of our young people tend to be in love with the idea of being in love. I don't know if we have misunderstood the meaning of love. Or if we have listened to a few too many Mary J. Blige songs. But this shit has gotten really extreme. I would say that things need to scale it back though.

As you noticed I didn't examine the mindset of women...why? I'm not a woman. I have more than enough women you guys can weigh in in the comment section or on my facebook if you'd like....

I'm out.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Things I Was Taught or Believed(that weren't true)

What it look like folk? Long time no blog...I know I know...I really don't have an excuse either. Well unless you count not having shit to say as an excuse. But here I am. All of yall that have been waiting on a blog should thank The Committee...they came at my neck( homo) the other day in an extremely aggressive here I am. Whats been good? Nothing much over here on the square side of things. Bitch Treachery has been kicked out of our home. I found that kinda funny. I may or may not blog about her in the coming days. Aside from that...I been chillin...So, lets get down to bidness...SHALL WE?!?!?!

So I was sitting here thinking about different things that I've learned throughout life. A lot of which were valid. Others were totally bullshit...and it is those that I will focus on here.

1. "Its not always about you". The fuck if it aint. If its not about me, who else could it possibly be about? I live MY life...based on MY experiences...drawing from MY emotions..MY thoughts...etc. I understand that we do have to take others into consideration from time to time...but ultimately we have to live with ourselves. it IS always about me...

2. "Human Nature"....that phrase is nonsensical in and of itself. If something is human i.e. drawing off of emotions, thoughts, and can it be nature as well? Something admittedly devoid of those things? Human Nature is a very nice way of saying that someone did some bullshit. Check it "Hey why did Jim cheat on Sally"
"Dawg, she was out of town, he got mad know...its human nature" and the church said, Get the fuck outta here....

3. That Special Ed really had it made. Homie shot this entire video in a junk yard...I know it was the 80's and all...but damn

4. That I was Pro Black....Man I really bought into this shit once upon a time. As time went on, I realized I wasn't pro black, as much as I was anti dumb shit. Which further led me to see that I am not pro black...I'm Anti Nigger. Take that how you want.

5. The gap in my teeth is unattractive. Man...I hated this gap when I was a kid. I got called all kinds of names and such. I wanted braces and the whole 9. Now? I couldn't picture myself without it. And off the books...I think broads like it...*pops collar*

6. That I'm dark skinned. Now walk with me on this one. My mom, brother, aunt, and grandmother are all roughly the color of undercooked cornbread. I'm a burnt sienna brown...but next to them...I looked like Marcus Garvey(maybe thats why I was so pro black...ponders). I have since seen some black people that look like patent leather when they sweat. I mean some real, walking oil spill lookin muhfuckas. With that said...I am not dark skinned.

Well, there is my list for right now...feel free to share some of your own in my comments section...or on my facebook page....aiiight? I promise I won't keep yall waiting for a blog this long next time

I'm out

Friday, November 5, 2010

Still a Slave

What it look like folk...its ya favorite square Steez back with a special edition of these here chronicles. I'm in a pretty weird place right now so I'm not gonna bullshit in the lets get down to the blog...shall we?!?!?!

So I just ran to the corner store...also known as a papi store, bodega depending on where you are and how ignant you feel like being concerning the ethnicity of the of the owner. So as I'm cashing out and as I pass my item to the girl behind the bulletproof plexiglass, a young black kid(probably 12 or so) sitting on a stool near the door says to me "do you have a quarter". To which I replied "no". Now I felt kinda fucked up as the lady handed me my change back(none of which was a quarter...but still). No sooner as I feel like a prick, I'm walking past the kid out the door and he says in a voice loud enough for me to hear but low enough that I'm the ONLY person that hears it "its JUST a quarter". WHAT?!?! Little nigga if its JUST a quarter, why don't you have one? If its JUST a quarter, why don't you stand up in them fuckin Polo boots you got...walk yo ass back home and ask your mother or whatever nigga she's laying up with for a quarter.

Now, you are probably looking at the title wondering what this has to do with slavery. In a sense...nothing. But in another...everything. When you think about a slave you think of a person that has nothing that is at the mercy of the people that do. As black people in America we are pretty much the only people that are STILL feeling the effects of the slavery that our ancestors were subjected to. But the cool thing about that, is thats why we are what we are today. Through perseverance we are the creators of an oft misused term "HUSTLE". Granted, this isn't our language and the origins of that word have nothing to do with us. The living example damn sure does though. Coming from something that wretched is what made us so beautiful.

Adversity is something that usually brings out the best in our people. A nigga couldn't get a job, so he started "hacking" or "jitney-ing" fuck it...its a legal way to do what the establishment wouldn't let him. So taking it back to the young kid in the corner store. I think back to being a kid. Here in Philly its about to be winter. Go get you a shovel and make it do what it do. Until then...wash cars...pump people with their groceries. ANYTHING but begging for some shit. We are larger than that. As black people in America we have been socialized to be everything BUT successful. And while I'm sure that there were always black look at shit like the Harlem Renaissance...Black Wallstreet in Tulsa Oklahoma...The Hill District in Pittsburgh PA(STEEL CITY STAND UP). You see that our minds and spirits are not easily broken. Fast forward to right now...we got Oprah, Tyler Perry, and of course our President Obama. All people that came from the same bullshit or worse than what we have now...that were told the couldn't do they grabbed their nuts and did it anyway. THAT is our true spirit. Fuck a here in America black people should know better than to ask for anything from anybody. You aint BEEN getting it...cause if you were, then you wouldn't be asking for it now. Feel me?

Well thats it for right now...I had to get that off my chest, so lemme go eat some seriously...I'm having chicken for dinner.

I'm out.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How Did We Get Here?!?!?!

What it look like folk? Long time no blog. I know, I know, a few of yall have gotten on my ass about how long it took for me to get a blog up. Hey, what can I say? Not much has been going on in my arena. Maintaining. Lets see, is there anything I would like to get into before I spit this pattened square shit? lets get on with it...Shall we?!?!?!

"Supposed to be Earth, aint worth the pussy that you sit on"(c) Nas. This is one of my favorite Nas lines. And also one of the most tragic. See, this line did not come from the recesses of his imagination. Nor did it come from his creative soul. That shit came from the heart. As I'm sure you can imagine it was penned in regards to the mother of his first child(I can't wait to hear what he has to say about Kelis).

Black love is one of the most beautiful things you will ever witness. Niggas hating one another is one of the move vile and petty things to ever manifest. I guess as extreme people everything we do is the ultimate or pinnacle of that particular thought, action or emotion. But DAMN!!!!! Of all the black people I know that have children only one has a working relationship with the other parent. Aint that a bitch? And Dig...the other parent isn't black. Now, I know a plethora of niggas involved in "don't fuck with me I won't fuck with you" parenting. And even more that deal with the "what kid?" kind of relationship. The question did we get here?

I would wager a paycheck that the majority of the aformentioned relationships where classic fairytales in their inception. I know mine was. Us against the world type shit. But as time and maturity wear does reality. YOU aint the person for ME. And vice versa. Yet in most instances we travel on. Women looking for that knight in shining armor(or Captain Save A Hoe) and dudes looking for a bitch to save...or a bitch to take care of us. Next thing you know a kid is involved and we looking at each other like "What The Fuck do we Do now?"

In contrast to most blogs I write...I don't have a cute little anectdote or solution to what I have discussed. Just a fair warning. I took the road and drove until the proverbial wheels fell of. Now I'm just a nigga on the side of the road walking...hoping the next gas station is close by. There is no reason to take certain journeys because it seems like you should. No two trips are the same...but every crash is...underdig?

I'm out.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Lets Get a Few Things Clear

What it look like good folk? I know what yall thinkin....Damn...two blogs in one week? I know I know. I have been very irregular with hitting yall but I had some stuff to get off my pectorals. And who better to share it with than my blog fam? So with that said, I'm not gonna keep yall too long. Lets get to it....Shall we?

Now, as all of you guys(and gals) that read this know, this blog is extremely personal. I can't say I say EVERYTHING on these chronicles. But I definitely air it out. And with all personal things I'm sure you all have your feelings about the things I say...and the things that I speak about on here. You're entitled to that. Just as I am entitled to blog the things I do. BUT....thats where that shit needs to stop. My life is my life. And until any of you people want to come live my life for me, I think it behooves you to keep any and all judgements about my situation to yourself. That is not to say that I am not open to advice or consultation on the things that I do or the things that I am going through. I am only 28 years old and I know that I don't know it all.

Another thing, I know the majority of my readers are women. And this is gonna sound extremely fucked up...but hey...thats what yall come here for right? I really am not putting too much stock in what any of you think or feel about my situation. Why? Because you can't understand what it is like to be on this side of the equation. I'm sure that those of you that have baby daddies have your very own unique and just as bothersome issues. But do NOT get it confused...its not even the same. Those of you that I know personally have your children. And to my knowledge you did not have to go one day without them. Splendid. But, aside from that, I would wager that never once have you had to put your feelings for your child and separate those feelings from the actions that you know you HAVE to make for your and their betterment. I respect everyones opinions...and appreciate any and all concerns that anyone has voiced to me. With that said, I need yall to know that I got this. And those of you that know me personally I know that with all this shit I'm dealing with I may seem like a roller coaster going off its tracks...and I admit that sometimes I am. But if you aint finna help me get it back on track and all you can offer is criticism for me being the person I am...well either you with me or you in the way...underdig?

I'm out.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Pimpin the System

What it look like good folk? Its that square boy Steez back at yall with these here chronicles. I got a few shots of tequila in my stomach, watchin the Steelers(Pittsburgh in the house!!!!!!) losing against the Ravens right now. I got faith in the Steel City, we aint finna lose to no heroin addicted football team....are we? What else has been going on? Not much that I can think of...outside of what I'ma talk about in this blog? So lets get to it....shall we?

I'm all for pimpin the system. If "the man" is gonna give free shit, I'ma take it. He has taken enough from me...time for some get back, right? But I have to ask, if everything you get is free, can you complain about the shit you do or don't have? I say that because Bitch Treachery is on pretty much every form of public assistance you can imagine. Food Stamps? Check. Subsidy Check. I know for a fact the bitch has applied for SSI on the oldest two kids(they both have sickle cell) AND on top of that she has also applied for public housing. Thats right folk. The Projects. PJ's. 'Jects. This broad committed 5 years of her life to higher education...and is aspiring to live in a housing project. Well, I guess since the projects are cute little town homes now...and they aren't called "projects" they are "income contingent housing" it aint all that bad huh? LOL

So take all of that then compound it with the fact that, according to her, I am not fulfilling my financial end of the bargain as it pertains to taking care of the kids. And, to be fair, I'm probably not. Since I've left I haven't bought the kids anything. Well until yesterday. I bought my oldest daughter some school uniforms and my son some shoes. That is not enough considering that I've been there every day of their lives. But hey...thats what she said they needed.

I say that because I asked her what the kids need. The aformentioned clothing and shoes was her response. After I buy those items she tells me that I am "responsible for the care of the children. And a pair of shoes does not suffice". Get the fuck out of here. Seriously. This bitch hasn't bought uniform one for any of the kids until THIS year. SideNote: my oldest daughter is in the second grade. But my question is how can a person who contributes NOTHING to society can be picky about ANYTHING? Peep the flavor a roundabout way I am paying for your food, the kids schooling and before that I kept a roof over your funky ass head.

The irony is...she recieves all of this assistance be cause she lied. She stated that she wasn't married. Bing...$700 of food stamps. Bam...$5 copays for subsidize ecucation for our kids. But now that I've wants us to be married? Aint that a bitch? So now the broad is looking for a "Roop". At the same time realizing she needs "the man" to care for her kids. So when its all said and done...she comes running to me...and as fucked up as it seems...I can't help her. Because she makes NO money...instead of me buying the kids what they need...she wants me to put money in her hand. No dice. I can't do it.

So for all you chicks pimping the system...remember a pimp usually has several hoes. Several sources of income. If "the man" is all you have...then you might as well throw in the towel...because you lost at life. Step your hustle game up and stop begging for shit...feel me?

I'm out.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Baby Mama Syndrome

What it look like good folk? Its me...Steez...doin how I do...givin yall some of these chronicles. Lightning has delayed the Ravens vs Jets game. So I figured I would put this joint down for yall. Summer is pretty much over...days are warm...nights are becoming more and more frigid here on the east coast. In particular here in the city of brotherly thugs...oops I mean LOVE. Not much swingin personally or in the news that I can think of. Everyone has football fever...myself included. So lets get to these here chronicles....shall we?

As I said above fall is upon us. The sun is setting earlier. Kids are back in school. And with that you must be aware of certain infections...viruses...and ailments. Flu...common cold....swine name need to watch out for it. But I was looking at recent reports about boxer Floyd Mayweather Jr. and a situation with his baby mama that let me know that there is another pandemic looming. Baby Mama Syndrome. Family it is spreading fast and is as deadly as anything you've ever seen. This post is more for the ladies to help them identify the symptoms. So....walk with me

1. Treachery. Flat out. Treachery is the easiest symptom to identify. This form of treachery is identified by the inherent need to do something distructive to the father of your children. Most importantly it is your willingness to perform said act of treachery even if it is to your own detriment. Take the aforementioned Mayweather situation. Now...the initial reports was that Floyd whooped her ass. Because he came to the house and it was altercation ensued and he supposedly put heavy hands on her. If this is the case..Floyd deserves whatever punishment he gets. BUT then the story changed...and Floyd was eventually arrested for grand theft larceny. In the heat of the argument he supposedly stole her iPhone. Now, an iPhone is what 400 bucks? Floyd makes over 20 million a fight. Is sending this man to jail worth losing the security he is providing for you and your child by being free? Bitch got an ACUTE case of baby mama syndrome.

2. Lazyness. Now this one is a given. Being that the difference between a mother and a baby mama is lazyness...or lack thereof. If you've gone to college then popped out some kids...and the best thing you can think to do is apply for public assistance...not out of necessity...but out of sheer lazyness and being unwilling to do whatever needs to be dont to care for your child...whether the man is around or not. You may want to seek help...cause it sounds like you have a bad case of Baby Mama Syndrome

3. Failure. Now this one is more complicated. Because in failure I don't mean just fucking up. But if you have kids...and you aint shit. You don't have a good job(or no job at all), can't pay your bills, can't provide an adequate life for you OR your children...and you can't rightfully blame that on the economy, illness, or lazyness. No, your only excuse is you can't do productive shit because you have the have Baby Mama Syndrome. I point to Bitch Treachery with this one. Now this broad has attended college and unlike many of us other young blacks. GRADUATED. But somehow she works a job that is reserved for teens that just left highschool. Her excuse is that the school that she works at is the school where our daughter goes(and now our oldest son). So its "easier" and "more convenient". Ignoring the fact that if she lived up to any potential or expectation she would have all the resources i.e. car, money etc. to make any other arrangement just as convenient.

I urge you guys to keep an eye out for these symptoms...and if you can think of more..please feel free to leave them for us to read. Also if you can think of any remedies that do not entail swift slaps or punches to the mouth...feel free to share those as well. LOL.

I'm out....

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Barnacle B!tches/N!ggas

What it look like good folk? Its that maniacal square back with these chronicles. Miss me? I'm sure yall did...well I hope yall did. So whats been crackin...Man I was just watchin sportcenter and some dumb nigga that plays for the Dolphins lost a 50,000 dollar diamond earring at fell out on the field and they can't find it...peep the niggas spent like an hour raking the field after practice trying to find it...LOL. I'm sure one of them rookies thats finna get cut picked that bitch up and is gonna sell it and get his mama out the hood...well not completely out...but out of the shithole she's in "They shoulda never gave you niggas MONEY!!!!"(c) Dave Chapelle as Rick James. Um what else..Damn...T.I. done got arrested again. What the fuck Clifford? Drugs...honestly I think that was Tiny drugs...but the nigga prolly gonna go down this time...just got out the bing...and to my knowledge he doesn't have info on another murder to save him this time. Damn....Ah well he's rich and we since Philly is trying to charge us to blog...I should get on with the chronicles....shall we....

As you read above...and I referenced in the picture this entry is about Barnacle Bitches/Niggas. Now to fully understand what I'm talking about I guess I should give a crude definition on what a barnacle is. A barnacle is an aquatic parasite that often sticks itself to other aquatic wildlife...most notable whales. And they will also attach themselves to the hulls of ships in the ocean. They are not dangerous or detrimental to whichever host they choose. Mostly they are just ugly. In some instances if enough barnacles attach themselves to the hull of a ship they can effect the speed of the vessel and the fuel requirements. Fucked up right? Thats why a lot of ships that are out at sea for long periods of time have someone that will go down and scrape the barnacles off when the ship docks to refuel or whatever.....okay class dismissed

So I know you're thinking....where is this square ass dude going with the Bill Nye bullshit. Simple. Ask yourself have you or someone you know been effected by this kind of person in real life? A muhfucka that is just THERE. They don't enhance shit they touch. Nor do they really take away from it. I'm sure you have. I know I have....and I know yall know her name. *Pauses while audience whispers Bitch Treachery to themselves*. Yeah. Walk with me. As I told yall I moved out of the house...and she knew I was leaving...knowing she can't afford to pay the rent to live there. So today she asked me about some things about picking our son up from daycare. I asked how she was going to get him from me(as she doesn't know my current residence). She said "you can just drop him off" I was like "where?" which she replied "at the house" I said...she knew I was actuality as I told you guys she brought it up to me before I brought it up to her. In any event when I responded with the "well you can't afford to stay there and I told the landlord I was leaving so she thought you were too" she lost on some shit about me not providing for the kids. Family I've been sleeping on a hot ass couch for the majority of this heat wave Philly summer. All the while paying rent for her barnacle ass to sit up on the bed I paid for, in the air conditioned room. cooking meals..etc. How long was I supposed to do this? Oh did I mention barnacles will stay wherever they are until removed by force..thats why whales in the wild are usually covered with them...who is gonna get them off? Fuck her and the whale she rode in on...she can go stay with her mom...who is another more crafty barnacle bitch.

Recently I've been told some stories by a friend of mine...who we'll call...Alfred. About a particular barnacle bitch/nigga in their life. This particular barnacle doesn't even know they are a barnacle. Which is fucked up because they don't know how unsightly and unwanted they really are. The thing about barnacles is that as I said...they are harmless. So you have people that will just "let them be". But why let a muhfucka slow you down or have you going out of your way to refuel when you shouldn't have to. People and friends should not be unwanted or unsightly. And they should never be a burden. So if you got someone in your life like that..scrape that bitch off the next time you dock. They are just making you more and more ugly.

Lastly, in dealing with barnacle bitches/niggas. You need to know who and what you are. As I said...whales are pretty much defenseless. Half the time they don't even know the barnacle is there. And the other half they don't care. There is nothing wrong with being a whale. Live your life...but you bet not ask me to get a barnacle off your good playa...that shit don't even look like a barnacle...pass it off as a mole. Now if you're a have shit to do. You need to look presentable and be unhindered at all time. scrape them off and keep it pushin under dig? And once you show that you are really serious about being barnacle free people around you will help scrape them off too. So ask yourself are you a barnacle or a ship?

Before I bounce I wanna give a shoutout to a new reader that let me know she dug these family welcome the homie Janice G to the table...Janice be careful everything is square here don't get stabbed with a corner....

I'm out....

Friday, August 27, 2010

Its On!!!

What it do folk? Its ya boy Steez. I'm back like I never left. As you can see from the is officially on. Bitch Treachery is on her way out. She can't escape the icy cold hand of defeat. I have an appointment later so lets get straight to it....shall we?

I just got back from City Hall. I had to get a copy of our marriage license. Why? You may be asking. Simple. Later today, I have a meeting with my attorney. Divorce papers will be filed. And so begins what will be an epic journey to get Bitch Treachery out of my life. *Cues Max B "Movin On Out The Door"*. In the past couple weeks I have been slowly moving my shit out of our house. Note I said MY shit. I have left her and her things unscathed. When she figured it out, she it me with "oh you're sneaking your stuff out?". First off, to sneak, intels that there is some sort of fear involved. Which there is none. Secondly, how and why would I sneak MY things? That bitch need to go read Twilight another few times. Maybe Edward or Jacob(I don't know what team she is on) can help her figure it out. And one thing is for sure...that bitch aint Bella. LOL(why do I know these characters names?)

With all that said, I must admit that I am still bewildered by how far all of this shit has gone. I mean, this is a hell of a 7 year itch. I'm not saddened. I'm not hurt....I'm more or less confused. I always envisioned that if things went sour(which I knew was a possibility), I saw things being way more civil. But it is what it is. I gotta move on. Fuck her and feed her fish. I'm done being a safety net for a bungee jumping treacherous bitch. Feel me?

In the end, I'm very excited about what I am currently embarking on. I'm still young, and I feel as though a new horizon is upon me. I know its not gonna be easy. I need yall support...and of course I will keep yall abreast of the sit-chee-a-shun. LOL. I know, though, the shit with the kids is gonna be crazy. As, recently she seems to have convinced herself that SHE and SHE alone has been looking out for the best interestof the kids. And I guess enough off brand bitches have been cosigning it....shit...this bitch called me a deadbeat 2 days ago....LOL. So I will definitely need yall support with that. But fuck it...I've come too far to turn back now...I just hope that bitch knows what kind of fight I have in me.

I'm out.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Man Gotta Have A Code

What it do folk? Its ya boy Steez. Finally back at yall with another episode of these here chronicles. So, what yall been up to? Me? sheeeeeit I've been on my way to freedom. I can't really divulge it all right now...but just not bitch treachery is making her way toward my rear view. I haven't been up to much though. Just putting ducks in a row. Chilling in the bat cave. But enough about me...lets get on to these chronicles.....shall we?!?!?!

Up,up,down,down,left,right,left,right,a,b,a,start. Codes. A man has to have one. Not having one doesn't make you less of a man. But, if you are in fact a man, why don't you have one. Codes. What does that mean? To me? Everyone I know? You need to have a list of things you will and won't do no matter what. Some people may say morals...some people may say values. But when its all said and done, its a code. Just like the video game reference is something that is written into your make up that FORCES you to conduct yourself in a certain way. Walk with me....

I like to pretend that I'm the only square in the world. The only nigga out here paying rent, buying groceries, babysitting...all for a treacherous bitch that doesn't deserve it. But I'm not. I also agree that in the past few years I have made myself less of a man(or square) for said treacherous bitch. But with that said....there is some shit that I Just...Won't....Do!!!! For instance...this very batcave that I am writing to family..from. Bitch Treachery knows nothing about(stay tuned...I PROMISE...friday evening I will explain this). The maker and owner of said it THIS it THAT person...fuck it...its like the answer to "how many licks...." The world may never know. So as you see, there are certain things that I have no problem divulging...and others that will go to a it mine...hers...or ours.

I suppose the street way of saying what I'm saying here is most easily compared to the "Stop Snitching" movement. LOL. While that shit was dumb as have to admire a group of people that have no obvious moral foundation...collectively agreeing on a single solitary virtue. a square...why haven't YOU?!?!?! Thats the beautiful thing about codes...they don't have to make sense to anyone but the person that created them...but at the same time anyone that chooses, must submit fully and totally to them. Bottom line....nigga...develop a code...and you don't have to submit to a muthafuckin thing...figgadeal me?

When its all said and done..a man/woman you should decide what you are and aren't bout. What and won't you put up with. This is bigger than all the petty shit that most niggas bicker over. Its about how you conduct yourself. Moreover, its not about HOW....its about closing I want to say this.....the person that knows how will always have a job....the person that knows why will always be their boss. Have a code.....

I'm out....

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Things I've Learned

What it do good folk? Its ya main man Steez. Man, I'm not doing alright. My grandad, for whom I had an imaginary friend named after is in the hospital. Fucked up right? I know. But I'm gonna do my thing for yall. Several shots of gin...and a life in turmoil, I'm still gonna do this for my folk. Underdig? I don't really have much to talk about aside from that. So can we get on to the chronicles....Shall We?

Today I wanted to get at yall with things I've learned. Most of these are unrelated...I'm just on my shit and thinking of things I've learned that can help my folk.

1. The woman you SHOULD marry is the woman that is okay with not marrying you.
I have realized that as a man, if a woman is okay with not being YOUR woman. That is who you need to be with. BT hit me with hangers, fists, feet etc when I said that I wanted to wait to get married, the day we were to get out marriage license. Look at us now....Thats not to say that it can't work for you. Just saying, if you almost die telling your babe that she shouldn't be all YOURS? Uhhhh, maybe you should cancel the measurments for the tux.

2. Perfection is dependant on time. For instance, your "perfect" lady does some wild shit when you aren't prepared. How is she perfect anymore? Maybe she found out that you banged the pretty Rican from down the street...sure perfect for her...but where does that leave you? Ass naked wondering what happened. So...take your dime and shove it up your ass....there is no such thing as perfection...unless of course you're last name is Frankenstein(which we heard about in movies) so....go luck.....

3. You can't save everyone. Look, I know every man has that firefighter/policeman/army trooper in them. But the reality is, you can't save everyone. If you have kids within a tumultulous relationship, realize that the kids are a casualty of war. Maybe you can save their souls...possibly their minds....but their bodies? Never. Basically put, I love my children. But, at some point I need to know that there is nothing I can do for them. It hurts. But, I know that Bitch Treachery is the one with them. So whatever happens happens. Easier said than done....for sure.

4. Work is just the time when you aren't playing. I realized this when I was on vacation. Mostly because while working most people are thinking of what they can do when playing. We work a significant part of our lives. But nothing compared to the time we spend playing. Please, if you learn nothing else from these chronicles please understand that you have to have some fun...or your life...your work...means nothing.

Honestly, I've learned a lot more than these four things...most of which I will share in one way or another...but in honor of my grandfather, who dedicated a lot of his life....or at least the part that I his work, and making other people happy....I wanted to do this blog. Back to our regularly scheduled programs next time....

I'm out

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Do the world a favor......

What it DO good folk? Its ya main square Steez back with these chronicles. Back from a beautiful vacation in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic....finally got a stamp in my passport. I know I know, I was supposed to blog from paradise. Sorry, my phone did some wild shit and I couldn't get at yall. But I DO have a lot of fly pictures that maybe I can scan...others that will get sent to me on the net(Ma Steez, and Cousin work!!!) that I can put up for yall to see. And soon enough I may blog about my experience there...not sure. If yall REALLY wanna hear about it inbox me or message me or email me...whatever, and depending on what I get I will blog about that for yall. But for now we gonna leave that where it is and get on to the Chronicles....Shall we?

Deeeeezamn!!! So while I'm gone sh!t got hectic in squareville. It was all my fault...I got caught with my hand in the proverbial cookie jar. Reaching for an old stale, fungus laden cookie that I didn't even want. It was just some shit I was reaching for because dinner wasn't ready...underdug? In any event I'm gonna do the world a favor...and kill myself. LOL. Not literally. See the premise of this blog is about examining who you are...taking the fucked up part...doing the world a favor...and offing it. Feel me. Now me, while I'm square, just like anyone else I like to feel loved, appreciated, desired...all that. And when I don't feel that, I turn elsewhere, usually to more undesirable places for those attentions. As can be expected this causes a plethora of problems in my personal life. In marriage. In friendship. In business. You name it. I guess you can say I'm some kind of low budget attention whore. I think this is prevalent in most people. I mean if you aren't getting the service you desire at Mcdonalds, you will most likely go to Wendy's, right? Well I'm the same way...just with people. I gotta do soemthing about this fast though...I've burned a lot of bridges on this. A lot of them needed to be burned...but still, who wants to be on an island? So I'ma do the world a favor...KILL MYSELF!!!!

NEXT UP!!! I would like all of you to take a step back and evaluate whether or not you are treacherous. Does treachery reside ANYWHERE in your heart or mind. I heard a story about a nigga that wouldn't sign off on a passport for his daughter to go on vacation because he thought that the mom was gonna dip out and he not see his child again. Noble right? Fuck outta here...the nigga don't see his child anyway. So not only are you a sucka too? do the world a favor....KILL YOURSELF!!!

NEXT UP!!! Jealous muhfuckas. So I went on my lil vaca. Came back...and Bitch Treachery is giving me the cold shoulder...I mean HEAVY. This clown was writing notes and leaving them around the house for me on some Color Purple shit...(S-T-O-V-E...STOVE!!!!) it was retarded. I surmised that a lot of it had to do with her being upset that I had the capacity to get away...and she didn't. Which sucks. I'm not going to get into all the reasons why she couldn't get away but at the end of the day(or the beginning of night) why does it matter? Be happy for a square. Or shit, be happy that you don't have to look at my fat ass for a whole week. But some people take every opportunity to be negative...and let jealousy get in the way. Which, I wouild be remiss if I didn't bring this up....the proverbial fungus cookie I mentioned. Fuck her, the horse she rode in on, and the stall she keeps it in. Fuck me for dealing with her on any level that didn't involve ultra violence and saliva. We we should all do the world a favor....KILL OURSELVES!!!

NEXT UP!!! The people outside yelling. I don't know what the beef is. But its 1245 on a Sunday afternoon...the weed and booze should not be flowing like that to have yall outside scrapping...KILL EACH OTHER!!!!

NEXT UP!!! The nigga that decided to come down Kelly Drive last night and blast Ja Rule...COME ON DAWG!!!!(c) Shane Mosley...Kill Yourslef!!!!

LOL. Folk thats all I got for today...I just wanted to have a little fun and get some shit of my chest. BUT I got a little treat for yall since I didn't blog while on vacation...its a second blog...a little piece of poetry...unfinished, but I still hope yall like it...

Also before I dip I wanna give a shoutout to Shurl Harris for talking to me(even though it was like 5 days and for reading the blog.

I'm out

Ode to Cake

What it look like folk? Its ya boy Steez. I am fitna switch gears on yall. Not only am I dropping TWO, count em, TWO blogs today. In this one I am going to give you a litte taste of As you all know, I'm a writer. In every sense of the word. This is something that I worked on on my train ride back to the City of Brotherly Thugs...oops I mean love. I hope yall enjoy it.

Sour cream frosted
my sweet tooth tingles
as the spongy pastry dances across my tongue
the butterflies in my stomach flutter
at the thought of divinity raining down on them
Bermuda birthmark sprinkles
I use the scent to find my way
slicing through love flavored icing
triple layered ambrosia
and buttery angels food
so rich my lips pucker
velvety soft sticking to the roof of my mouth
the perfect marble dessert is born....

sorry folk thats as far as I got....I figured giving it to you unfinished would lend a bit to the

I'm out

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Goon Hand Application

What it look like folk? It's ya boy Steez. I'm back, on the eve of my vacation. WHAT!!! Its been a hell of a week at work. I need a break. Bitch Treachery is hella mad that a square is bouncing...but...oh well(as she said to me when I voiced concern about not being a part of the kids lives). Not much else has been going on...or maybe it has and my tunnel vision has blocked it out. Either way, lets get on to the chronicles....shall we?

Yo, by now you have probably heard the Mel Gibson rant. Either censored or uncensored that shit is a RIOT!!! My man said, You have no SOOOOOOUUUL!!! LMAO. As funny as the audio is, I'm not here to talk about that. I'm here to talk about bitch treachery(not my old hag) and goon hand application.

This audio was proof to me that I am not the only person in the world dealing with bitch treachery. I fully understand/understood Mel's plight. In the beginning of the tape you kinda feel for the bitch. But by the end you see where she is antagonizing him, "You're gonna be sorry man.." and all that shit. She knew she had him trapped, he had gone too far to go back and she talked shit. To the untrained ear she was defending herself against his rant. But to a treacherous bitch expert such as I, she was egging him on. And like a bitch treachery novice, he fed into the bullshit. Fellas, there is nothing that can draw your ire like a treacherous bitch. Same for females(you know you all had a bitch call you about "her" man). This is where the goon hand comes in. Now, for most people(Mel Gibson...I'm talking to you) the goon hand means yelling, cursing and screaming. This is not the case. A true goon will lay his hand down quickly and decisively. Fuck all the two phone calls and the "if you hang up I'm coming over there". This only intrigues a treacherous bitch and leads her to more treacherous activity.

Now, I empathize with Mr. Gibson. I've been in the situation where Bitch Treachery has drawn the most primal emotion out of me. I've uttered many 4 letter words. Called you remember(most readers) I even doused her in beer. All of this was WRONG...but what is one to do when you are beset on all sides by treachery? Well, the answer is simple. Step back. Take a walk. Breathe. Do ANYTHING but engage the bitch. but emotion, pride, integrity etc often gets in the way. Next thing you know you're on TMZ wondering what happened to your record deal......Long story short...the goon hand involves patience and thought.

Now, as for Bitch Treachery...any real man/woman will encounter this phenom. There isn't much that you can do about it. Just be on guard. Treacherous bitches come in all shapes sizes and forms. As long as you remain calm...and don't have a bunch of liquor in your system, as both Mel and Steez are prone to doing, you will be fine. Make sure your confrontations are far away from phones/recorders and you don't choke the bitch with a move you learned on Thursday at Jiu Jitsu class, and you'll be fine? Aiiiight?

I'm out

Monday, July 5, 2010

Believing Your Own Bullsh!t

What it look like folk? Its ya boy Steez back at you with these chronicles. I know its been a looooooooong time. I was gonna be at you guys with one of these like once a week. But blogging from my new phone is still kind of uncomfortable. And I'm lazy when it comes to shit like that....please forgive me. Well here it is...July 5th. I wanna start by saying I hope all of you guys had a great 4th...and you kept it safe. I wanna shout out my big homie Monsta, JB and anyone that was at the cook out yesterday where we ate, drank...cheefed...and them blew then blew the block the fuck up. It was a good time...and right now my flatulence smells like I digested several small woodland creatures...and hopefully we can do it again. What else...OH!!! I'm about to be riding out to Dominican Republic in a couple weeks. I will DEFINITELY blog from there...and yall will see pictures. Let yall know how a SQUARE does it in the island...dig? Well, thats about lets get to the chronicles....shall we....

As you can see in the title...this post is about bullshit. Everyday we encounter bullshit. Work bullshit. Home bullshit. Relationship bullshit. Miscellaneous bullshit. The list is quite endless. We tend to combat all of these different types of bullshit. All in different ways. But we are a lot less confrontational when it comes to us bullshitting ourselves. That is what I wanted to examine here today. The 3 kinds of bullshit that you will give yourself that you need to avoid....lets get it.

#1. Bullshit that you want to believe.

This is the most common. Fat broads make believing that liquid spandex is a good idea. Dudes acting like their balls are comfortable in skinny jeans. This is all stuff we do to ourselves because we want to fit in or appear to be "normal". Everyone of us has idiosyncrasies. And EVERY one of us deep down inside wishes that we didn't. So instead of working on said quirks...or even more trying to learn to cope with them and make them work for us. We pretend they don't exist all together. This is dangerous, as you will ALWAYS end up looking like a fool in the eyes of people that you want to impress/merge with. This is most commonly combatted with the urban phrase "do you". Basically, be yourself and everything will fall in line.

#2 Bullshit you need to believe

In this I will reference myself. Bullshit you need to believe is most commonly something that you have had to come to terms with i.e. choosing the wrong mate, getting swindle out of money or opportunity. Simply put, you made a bad decision and do keep from harming others or harming yourself, you have to lie to yourself to make it okay. Obviously I am referring to my situation with Bitch Treachery. In life we all make bad choices. Very few of us can own up to it and keep moving. We HAD to do xyz for the kids...or because it was our only source of income...or because we grew up fucked up. Whatever the excuse is...its just excuse. I will say without a doubt this is the most dangerous...AND the most common method of self bullshittery ouit there. Mainly because it is easier to blame someone else than it is to look inside and see what the REAL cause of the situation is. Most commonly it revolves around anxiety, insecurity, depression, and failure to come to grips with our own inferiority.

#3 Bullshit you've learned/been taught/retained

This is a funny one. As we have all been exposed to the same bullshit over the years and largely we have all let go of it. Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy etc. By and large we were all fed this bullshit. Used it for what it was worth. Then let it go when it was no longer advantageous. The funny part is somewhere along the way, our bullshit filtration mechanisms started malfunctioning. Somehow what happened to Moniques cousins girlfriends neice is somehow relevant to YOU'RE life and must be hung onto like gospel. Or what Jeromes brothers homie said is a valid way for you to govern your life and experiences. Not to say we can't recieve jewels from the world. But you must realize that every thing shiny isn't valuable. Most of the time its bullshit. let it go and move the fuck on.

#4 Bullshit you've GROWN to believe

This one is mostly based on our own experiences. And can be simply stated in the sentence "All men cheat". I hear this shit ALL the time. As far as I know there is no real concrete evidence on the percentage of men that cheat vs the percentage that don't. But some dumb broad got cheated on by the last couple dudes she messed with and all of a sudden those couple guys are part of some monolithic group. To the naked eye this may be the same as #1(bullshit you want to believe) but its not. See, this one is funny because it is bullshit that even you haven't fully bought into. Its more of a defense mechanism. A smoke screen of sorts. Because as where the first one people can CLEARLY see/smell/hear what it is you are trying to compensate for...this one is something more complex. Think about that fine guy/girl that has a good job, nice belongings, intelligent etc...yet they can never find luck in relationships or any other social field. They will have you believe that because their flaws aren't worn outright, that they simply don't exist and the problem is on everyone else. THEY know they have a shitty attitude, or can't formulate a sentence without referrencing Housewives of Atlanta...but to the naked eye they are perfect and they have GROWN to believe that you are the one that is messed up.

Well there is is folk. There are more types of self bullshittery out there....and I will get into them in the future. These are the ones I see most in myself and in others. And the ones I want to you watch out for the most. You can't expect someone to take you seriously when every action you have is a joke...dig?

I'm out

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Dr. Steezensteins Monster

What it look like good folk? It's that square Steez back at these chronicles. I know, I know, it's been a minute...blame my head not my heart. Actually blame the ruckus thay occurred outside my house on memorial day. Family, before you go there, nah it wasn't me and Bitch Treachery. It was my neighbors. After weeks of build up one group of crazy niggas decided to square off with another group of crazy niggas. My brand new joint got lost in the hooplah. Not to fret...i got a replacement, and here we are. Enough about me...lets get to the chronicles. Shall we?

In the past couple weeks I've been thinking about the mess I've created for myself. Monsters if you will. Take bitch treachery...she is a wild monster roaming the countryside terrifiying all who cross her path. But where does she come from. The answer is simple. Me. In the past seven years I have fed the feral beast a steady diet of compassion, generosity, enabling behavior, and most of all passive gestures. The result is only rivaled by loch ness or chupacabra. A frothy mouthed, cold hearted, indifferent bitch. Unfortunately, Dr Steezenstein is going to have to turn this abomination loose on the likes of you who read these words. Bottom line this aint no movie and I can't let my creation kill me. So my advice to yall is avert your eyes, and strap up....the bitch has been known to change forms. Godspeed

But in thinking about that, I discovered I have created another monster...or rather a mutant. The name? Steez. That is right familym while none of this shit has broken me, it has consumed me to the point that I am on a road of self destruction. Now, I'm not a weak nigga by any stretch of the imagination. But to pretend that I can come out of such a tumultuous situation unscathed is unrealistic and foolish. I have devolved to the point where I am not only an emotional burden to those that love me be succinct...steez is quite the asshole nowadays. After being emotionally raped I allowed myself to give into a lot of savage instincts. 

Those of you that know me well know that I am a writer. Poetry. Rhymes. Stories. The only thing I've had trouble scripting is this thing called life. But I think this plot twist has gone on long enough. Time to wrap it up. Start on the sequal. Feel me? 

I'm out

Oh...special shout out to my new cousin Mike and my high school homie Brandice. I appreciate the support

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Stunted Growth

What it do good folk? It's ya main square Steez back at it with some chronicles. I'm sending this one from my brand new palm pixi cell phone. I like my new phone...its not quite the g1 but then again what is? So what's been up? Not much. Oh a square went to a fish fry a couple weeks ago and got wasted. And I mean fucked off!!!! A guardian angel had to take me home. Is anyone watching American Idol? Janet is on stage right now, lip singing but it's all good her ass is talking through the gown she has on...oh shit she's wearing catsuit now! I'm bout to put the kids to bed and handle something..damn Janet. But enough about me...lets get to the bloggin....shall we?

Earlier today someone stopped just short of calling me immature. I thought that was an interesting thing to say to me. Then I thought more...maybe I am. But why? The conclusion I came to was stunted growth. Now family, in no way shape or formam I owning up to immaturity, but fuck it it is an interesting comment that I wanted to explore.

First, I explored what maturity is. Then I ran into the first problem....maturity is subjective. But then I stepped back and looked at my own definitions comparitively with my actions. I realized that alot of choices I have made, have stunted my growth mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Being forced into adulthood before it was time was the social equivalent of an 11 year old smoking cigarettes. I had to learn a lot of shit from my own failures...and there was a lot of them. 

This aint no Tyrese in Baby Boy shit though. And I damn sure aint Jody running from respnsibility. I admit though that a lot of responsibilties I have taken on are beyond what I can comprehend. I live in the moment. Not in the cliche way, but in the sense that I don't think about every possible result of a current action. Short sighted? Yes. Irresponsible? Maybe. Immature? Debateable. But when being overwhelmed every second of every day, can I afford to focus on anything BUT The moment at hand.

To some what I just said will sound like an excuse. Others will sympathize. A few will empathize. I do all three. In reality there is no excuse for shit I do, other than me feeling my way through this dark room called adulthood. I make no apologies for the many stubbed toes I will suffer such is life...

I'm out.....

P.S. Did yall see janet say muthafucka I'm Ms. Jackson if you nasty...they cut her mic RIGHT off. Lol

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Prototypical Strong Black Man

What it look like good people? It me Steez. Chillin like a mad villain. Shout to Jessica and Tenicka for being up on these chronicles. I know I never met yall stankin asses...but I appreciate the support. Peep....I realized a few things today, and before I get to the real blog I want to shar them.
1. Its NEVER a good idea to quote Wesley Pipes. Even when you THINK you're alone at work in the coffee room. "There go that little cherry got broooooooken" is not a good look. I don't care where you work(sorry little siver haired lady that just wanted coffee)
2. Its hot as hog nuts here in Philly. 86 degrees aint no bullshit apparently. Who knew?
3. I'm white enough to like NIckelback. I was bangin some prime tunes(Smokee Robinson by Curren$y...check it if you havent already) and I pull up next to some crackas...and they are banging Rockstar by Nickelback...I turn down all the shit going on inside the Baron to sing along....if you WHITE...You Ben Affleck, apparently.
Now on to these Chronicles....shall we?

Today I wanted to speak on strength in the black community. Primarily among black males. If you a black man and you reading this, internalize the next sentence like your life depends on it, because it does. BLACK WOMEN DO NOT WANT YOU TO BE STRONG. Now I agree that this is a blanket statement. But so what. I know that every black woman is not looking for a dude that acts like he bleeds once a month. Ladies, if you are the opposite, cool. Keep reading....but shut the fuck up.

I am saying what I'm saying for many reasons. According to the Willie Lynch Papers the women watched the men be beaten to the point of almost being dead. Meaning, our women are used to seeing us fucked up. They have been socialized to being at their most comfortable when we are broken, and they have to rely upon some white man to care for them. Look at a person like Bitch Treachery. I've done eveything I could do to provide for her and my children. Still she became most comfortable when foodstamps and all that shit came into play. Go figure. So while I work like a slave, and she treats me like half a bitch. She runs to the white man for real security. Strength as it pertains to black men, in the eyes of black women means one of two things.

1. you a fuckin criminal and disobeying every law or rule put in front of yoy(popular among hood rats)
2. You are a new age slave that takes any and everything that comes your way on the chin. The lashes on your back have scarred and keloid-ed up...but yet you keep going.

To them strength is not going against the grain. It is not moving to the tune of your own drum. Nah. Its working a 925 and taking care of them and their lazy asses. That what defines "a real man"

Black men are slowly but surely becoming more and more femenized. Skinny Jeans. Gucci man purses. Arched eybrows. Hell even the corn rows and all that shit. Its Woman sit your self down and take how many hours to get your "head done"? You IS BITCH (c) Jungle.

What I mean is we as men need to start defining for ourselves what the new black masculinity is. Gone are the days where you have to turn shit to sugar just to put food on the table for your children. Blaze your own trail. Regardles of what YOUR personal Bitch Treachery says. Where she is your wife, mother, sister, aunt....whatever. Be your own man. Write your own rules. We are the chosen ones. Feel me?

In closing, I don't want anyone to think I'm dissing black women. I luuuuh yall *muuuah* LOL. But if its not too much to ask, if you have a good man in your Method Man said rub him on the back and say "baby it'll be okay". Don't keep sending him out to the cotton field with no re assurance that his effort is not appreciated. And dudes? Don't act like you Atlas with all the world on your shoulders. You aint. Whatever woman you got is standing there supporting your back, legs, shoulders etc. You aint doin that shit alone. Ya dig?

I'm out....

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Suspect Chin N!ggas

What it do good folk? Its Steez right back like I never left with some more of these chronicles. As I sit here in the Bat Cave sweating out the toxins that I took in two nights ago. Peace to my brother Dunndada. I hope you enjoyed yourself while in the in the City of Brotherly Thugs...oops I mean Love. Also, I want to give a shoutout to the two co stars from the other night...yall shall remain nameless....for now. But enough about me...lets get on to the chronicles....shall we?

Yo...bottom line, if you scared...say you scared. Peep the flavor neighbor. So as I just mentioned my brother was in town the past few days. Because Bitch Treachery is...well, Bitch Treachery...he had nowhere to stay. So he kicked it with a chick he knew here(Shout to you baby girl). Well Bitch Treachery had a bunch of foul shit to say about this young lady. Slut. Bitch. I recall the words being spoken. Well last night as Bitch Treachery brought the kids in at 8:30 with empty stomachs...knowing that Dunndada and I had plans to feed the kids and take them to the park. Well...hey...bitches do, that which they do. Well, after interrogating the kids after I left this morning she found out about our little excursion. And decided to GO IN on the young lady that my brother stayed with. But when confronted with an impromptu three way call with myself and the other parties involved...The BITCH gets all apologetic and civilized. I'm sorry he is involving you in I recall the words being spoken. SMMFH.

The loudest nigga in the room is often the scaredest nigga in the room. Take for instance the shit that happened with Kenyon Martin the other day. If you don't know, let me learn ya. The ball boy for the Nuggets decided to play a prank on the Bad Ass Yellow Boy(why? I don't fuckin know). But this muhfucka decided it was wise to fill K Marts Range Rover(leather seats and all) with buttery popcorn. When K Mart finds it...he rightfully flips out and says when he finds out who did it hes' gonna put heavy hands opn them. Well the media is acting like homeboy is wrong. Check it...if you bad enough to fuck with someone, you bad enough to get confronted. And at the moment of confrontation, you shouldn't be backing down. Man the fuck up.

In closing, I'm not the toughest guy around. But I'm also not the nigga thats gonna cry foul if I call a nigga out and they answer. At that point its me and them. I feel what I feel. Like this very blog you're reading. People always ask "what does SHE think about it". My answer? "I don't give a fuck what she thinks about it". I haven't said anything in these blogs that I've never said to her face. She can handle it how she wants. Which to date she hasn't...we'll cross that bridge when we get to it....I'm out

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Usetabee B!tches/N!ggas

What it do good folk? Its ya boy Sir Steezly of Homewood(thanks Tiz) back at yall with the blog. I'm glad to see I've been well recieved in my return to the blogosphere. I luuuuuh yall too!!! LOL. Yo...aint nathan goin on over here but work. But...I guess thats why I called these the 925 Chronicles huh? So with that aside...we might as well get down to this here blog.....shall we?

In my new job, I've met a lot of ustabee bitches and usetabee niggas. And what I mean by that is, a person that USED to be the flyest nigga/bitch on the block and they still tryna hold on to that. Peep game, cut it out. LOL. Real rap, you look like a fool. So the fuck what you was prom queen in 1998. Or voted Best Dressed in 1989. Its most definitely 2010. Its time to move on.

Peoples its easy to spot a ustabee nigga and/or bitch by the "swag" they have. Honestly, if you're over 19 using the word swag, you're most likely a ustabee nigga and/or bitch. But,aside from that, any man that still wears "outfits" is a usetabee nigga. Like if your are 25+ dressing in, you're a sailor on Monday, a pimp on Tuesday, a ghostbuster on friday etc. You need to grow up...that shit was fly when your mom was dressing you for Easter pictures and you posted up with the bow tie...but when you are CHOSING these "outfits" are obviously holding on to a time long long ago, in a land far far away....Give it up, give it up..give it up.

As for you broads, its a little more complicated. Because you can easily mistake a usetabe bitch for the everyday hoodrat. Usetabee bitches are far more verbal. They will speak on the hustlin nigga that USETA pick them up after school their senior year...neglecting to admit that senior year was in 1986. Or they may speak on how "all them bitches USETA hate on me at my old job"....Bitch you been unemployed since 2003. 4 kids and 60 pounds later aint nobody hating on shit. Calm down...feel me?

When its all said and done, what I'm saying here is, once you get complacent and start living in the present...once the present is done, you will inevitably have to start living in the past. So with that said people, keep your present as fly as you can...take the rear view mirrors off your whip and look towards the future. Just keep it pushin and errrrthang is gonna be okay. You mighta been a geekface back in the day...but you may be a swan tomorrow...the more you harp on the here and now, and the past...the less you will be tomorrow...

"You figure I could take a day off how?/when tomorrow I could be better than I am right now..."(c) Curren$y aka Spitta

I'm out

Saturday, March 27, 2010


What it do good folk. Another good day back in the lives of these chronicles. Nothin much goin on here. I wanted to give a quick shout out to my uncle Greg for catching on to these blogs. And a lil something for Monsta, for givin me those Spitta mixtapes. So on to these chronicles....shall we?

"I don't want a dude that dont take care of his body" This was uttered by the most slovenly bitch I've met recently. This needs to stop.

As the square that I am I was validation for a corny bitch for YEARS....I am curtailing that activity. She aint shit and I will let her know about it. But in reality how many of you are validation for the off brand nigga/bitch you're with?

Do you always foot the bill for youre excursions?

Is the nigga/bitch always crying broke?

Is the nigga/bitch always talking about the money and/or power that they wield?

If so you are the validation for this nigga/bitch. Nothing wrong with that, you just need to step it up. Underdig?

I was the validation for bitch treachery for over seven years. Not to say I'm the flyest nigga around, but for a lazy bitch like her to link up with a nigga like me that, cooks cleans and deals with kids, well, that shit is rare. She wants you to beleive that niggas like me grow on trees. We definitely don't. I would like yall to know that I break the mold every time I type these fuckin words. Well I've talked enough, and Bitch Treachery is probably in a tizzy right now. Who gives a flyin

When yall get a chance, look at ya bitch/nigga and make sure you aint a

I'm out

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

When Poppin Ya Collar Goes Wrong

What it do good folk? Its that internet square back in the spot with the chronicles. How yall been? I been good, grindin like I been doin. Tryna make it do what it does. So I'm at work today and my stomach and butthole committed a ferocious act of treason. They betrayed me in the most vile of ways. That is all I'm gonna say about that. Not much else has been goin on in my personal life. Bitch Treachery is being her regular treacherous self. Nothing really worth talking about here. So, lets get down to bidness...shall we?

Poppin my collar!!!! Yall niggas need to stop this. So I'm talkin to a broad I work with, and she is going on and on and on about having her own money, being about to graduate, having her own shit...yada yada yada. As I'm sitting there pretending to listen all I could think is, who gives a flyin fuck? Do what you do, and keep your mouth shut. If you gotta talk about it, then obviously it aint that fly. When is the last time a nigga with a Benz bragged about having a Benz? And in the off chance he did...the dude most likely is homeless right now because of the car.

At the end of the day people, either you fly or you not. If a nigga disses ya fat ass, most likely its cause you wasn't the fat sloppy cup of tea he desired. Dust yourself off and move on. Don't sit there and write a whole Terry Mcmillan novel about it. It makes you look just like the off brand bitch/nigga that you are. If you were everything you say you are, dude wouldn't be balls deep in the skinny bitch you stalking on facebook....figgadeal me?

The beautiful thing about collar poppin is that you rarely have to do it. If you are everything you claim to be, there will always be a new pair of hands right there to pop your collar and let you stunt and floss to your hearts desire. Yall niggas got it fucked up. I had a young lady tell me today that she thinks that I am a very good man. Get it corrected, I don't walk around touting what I do for my family like I'm some super hero in training. This was just some shit she felt and decided to express to me. As I write this my collar is freshly popped. Don't try this without parental supervision kids.....

I guess what I'm saying is you don't have to sell shit to anyone. Pop your collar to yourself. And if you keep up the fly shit people will notice and assist you, then eventually take over any and all collar popping activity that you have going on. Until then? Play it low key, get ya game together, and one day maybe you too can be a fly square...oh I mean fly guy/chick like you want to be.

I'm out

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I Aint Ya Damn Friend!!!!

What it look like folk? Its that square dude back with these Chronicles. I hope this edition finds you all lookin good and smellin good. I'm doin aiiiiight. My body is comitting treasonist acts against me right now. Got a dude catching a pretty persistant cold. Not cool....not cool at all. But enough about me, Its about the lets get down to bidness....shall we?

This particular blog is going out to yall muthafuckas trying to be your kids best friend instead of their fuckin parent. This was prompted by some nonsense brought forth by Bitch Treachery. So apparently its inappropriate for me to bathe my oldest daughter. News to me. But I'm not gonna harp on that. I will most likely trash her about it in depth later. But the essence of my blog is firmly embedded in the argument. It was said that my daughter(who is 7) needs "privacy". What the FUCK for? She don't own shit. She don't do shit, without my permission. Bottom line, I'm her daddy...not her fuckin buddy.

As parents yall niggas better realize that its YOUR responsibility to RAISE your children. To have them respect you, which will eventually lead to them respecting themselves, and anyone else who deserves it. As a friend of mine always are the creator, the Alpha and the Omega. My mother and I have an extremely close relationship. One in which I've talked to her about my sex life(provided that she inquires) since I was 17 or 18. Why? Because she understood when I was 6, 7, 8, 9 that she wasn't my friend. She was my parent. She washed, fed, clothed, consoled, and whipped my ass. In a lot of NAKED ass. Nobody was trying to call the people on her(well there was one time Grandad and my brother had to step in....) but you get the point.

Peep the flavor neighbor. Its 2010. "Bitches givin ass up at ages mo' younger"(c) Nas. Why? Cause daddy aint/wasn't/and won't be there. And not only is he not there, in some even more fucked up cases when he IS there he is BEST PAL and not Daddy Doe Rake. So instead of sittin on YOUR lap when she's 7, she sittin on Rashads when she's 16. And eventually Loraines when she is ran through and busted at 27. All because she was denied proper attention, love and guidance as a child.

In closing niggas, AND treacherous bitches need to understand that these kids are not your equal. They never will be, but if you conduct yourself as an adult maybe you can talk to them line a real person one day as opposed to your high school chum. Maybe, juuuuuust maybe, you will be more than just the old bitch that kinda sorta watched them grow up, and be an actual confidant....

I'm out

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Putting the D!ck on a Pedastal

What it do good folk? I know yall thought I was bullshittin when I said I was gonna be hittin yall early and often with these here chronicles. But here I am again...the square that I am givin you more of what you want and need. As has been the case recently, I feel great. I'm sitting here just hours away from "Watching Pacquiaou box em up" (c) Jay-Z. Bout to eat a cheesesteak and just feelin good about life. Bitch Treachery left the house and took the kids, and her funky ass attitude with her. So I can't complain. I won't keep yall waiting anymore though...we bout to get to bidness...shall we?

"But she's the mother of your kids". That is some bullshit that chicks say to me when I talk about Bitch Treachery and my burning desire to leave her punk ass. "There had to be something that you liked about her at some point". More bullshit from the same lonely ass bitches. Bottom line fuck her and everyone that looks like her. She IS the mother of my kids. SO?!?!?! I'm the father of hers. That doesn't mean shit to why should the fact that she pushed them out mean a hill of beans to me? I love my kids. And I respect the fact that she went through something that I didn't(and couldn't) to create them. But thats where the shit stops. Real rap? They came through me first. Without me there would be no them. But muhfuckas forget that shit real fuckin quick when that once a month bleeding thing stops. The pussy gets put up on this high ass pedastal that can never be seen or reached by another human. No matter how disgusting the chick is that this pussy is attached to. No matter how irrelevant her life is. She shit out some kids so she must be revered. Fuck outta here!!!!

"Even though you was a crack fiend mama/you always was a black queen mama..."(c) Tupac. This nigga basically echoed the sentiments of black america with that one line. No matter how fucked up your mom is, you gotta love her. Again, fuck outta here. Get that pussy off the pedastal. Put the dick that created your ungrateful as up there instead. Now, I know in black america that there are not many men that deserve the honor of having their phallic being put up on a pedastal. But there are a lot that do. Niggas is doing their thing taking care of kids, when the slovenly ass mother is too high, drunk, or self absorbed to do the same. True story, I come in the house today after running errands, and my oldest child is CLEANING my youngest daughters shitty ass. Are you fuckin serious?!?!?! All while the black queen, or Bitch Treachery as she is referred to in these chronicles, is sitting not 6 feet away. How the fuck does this happen. And why is this bitch gonna get flowers, and cards, every fuckin May because she DELIVERED(not raised) some kids. Fuck anyone that thinks that that dumb shit makes sense.

Now, I know what you're thinking. Just because the woman aint shit, doesn't mean the man is any better. Very true. I'm a fuck up. I will be the first to say that to anyone. But at the same time, my dick deserves to be on the highest of pedastals. Frame that shit. Dip it in bronze and dangle it from your rear view mirror. Why? Because My dick is not what defines me as a man. It is only what anatomically makes me male. I have successfully separated my dick from my brain. The actions come from my head, and occasionally my heart. Very rarely is my dick doing ANY thinking. I don't want to be respected because I screwed a bitch I was digging and by happenstance created a life. I want to be respected because the life I created was taken care of by my brain. Feel me? Fatherhood doesn't end when the cum dries. It begins when you clip the chord. My oldest child is seven. I acknowledge that I haven't done shit until my youngest child is walking across a stage getting a degree. I can fuck it all up right now. My brother was roughly my oldest childs age when my parents split. I'm sure up until that point my bro thought that my dad was an alright cat. But here we are a couple of decades(and maybe 7 phone conversations later). Neither of us would piss on that nigga if he caught fire. He deserves no respect...therefore he gets none. The same is true for ANY of you half assed, punk ass, bitch made parents out there.

I'm out....

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

WTF Wednesday

What it do good folk. As promised I'm back with these chronicles. I'm enjoyin life right now. Things goin good for ya favorite square. I'm "hittin every bump in my Denali"(c) Dennis Coles. Drivin over that shit like I'm supposed to. Funny shit before I get to the post. A chick from my class at my new job said to me the other day "you seem like a square". Now this bitch never read my blog or anything. How the fuck did she know? Cause for those of yall that though I was bullshittin....I AM A FUCKIN SQUARE!!! This aint no internet bullshit baby. Now...on to bidness....shall we?

In this jawn I just wanted to speak on wild shit I saw all day. It just so happens that its Wednesday and I saw a bunch of WTF shit. So first things fits. Jihad Jane. WTF!!!!! Now I don't know if this is national news. So for those of yall that live outside of my area...a WHITE bitch from Montgomery County(right outside of Philly) decided to take up arms with terrorist and try to recruit them to fuck up shit in America. Somehow she got a cute little nickname "Jihad Jane" and they are poking fun at her on the morning news. Meanwhile, a nigga tries earnestly to blow up a plane on Jesus' birthday and he is just a crazy nigga that tried to kill people. Not cool. WTF America?!?!?!?! Step ya hatin game up.

On to the next one....So I'm driving to work. And they are opening a Chick Fil A near my home. On Sunday while driving home I saw a big sign on the front of this building that said "Open In 5 Days". Don't ask me how...but this morning(only 3 days from the time I saw that sign) I see a bunch of people congregating in the parking lot of this place. I was instantly excited. Then as I roll by I realize its just a bunch of white people rolling out sleeping bags and tents. For a fuckin chicken sandwich. A FUCKIN CHICKEN SANDWICH!!!! I would be remiss if I didn't tell you that there is a Chick Fil A not 5-10 miles in the other direction from my house. So its not like these people are exactly starving for the shit....WTF Whiteman...Step your stake out game up!!!!

Lastly I wanna speak on my new job. I get off at 5 p.m. And I must say that when I leave my place of employment it looks like a club let out. I'm not WTF'ing this...I'm just saying...if you a desperate nigga in the Philly/Chester/Delaware area...come on over at like 445 p.m. suited and booted and you can land a skanky bitch. Its worth a try and there is a lot less comp than sitting outside of any of the dives in the metro Philadelphia area trying to score some trim.

I'm out....

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Reparations Day

What it do good folk? Its ya native square Steez. I'm hittin yall back with these chronicles. Shit is crazy family. I just got my tax money and paid for my family trip to D.R(Dominican Republic). I'm on my way Marcus....just save a seat for me. But really...this bitch treachery means nothing. I got a pocket full of money...and I'm still a fuckin square. Yo before I get to the post I wanna tell yall this bullshit. How about bitch treachery(thats her new more butterbear) mom boyfriend called me yesterday. On some bullshit. Like I won't whoop his old ass. I don't know who's idea that dumb shit was. But bottom line old niggas get fucked up too. I know you and your friends and your mom or whoever. I will WHOOP AN OLD NIGGA/BITCH ASS!!!!!! Enough of that. Lets get on to the bidness....shall we?

So its March 6th. Most broke niggas got they reparations. AKA tax returns. Man...I needed a new tire right? Well niggas needed new rims. So Steez had to wait. So, a tire that would have originally taken 5 minutes to change...took a whole hour and a half to change. Cause the aformentioned niggas was getting rims. Its all good though. Yall niggas got money from these white men and want to give it right back....I aint mad at ya. But can a square nigga get his tire changed, before you get your rims or your stereo system right?

Another I go to the liquor store. And, for those of you who don't know...most of us squares are lushes. But I go to the liquor store to get some blueberry vodka...and some Elmo Pio Moscato(I wish I could trademark this...cause I know yall niggas gonna bite). Well, the vodka was no problem. But the wine? nah!!! yall niggas celebratin! Got some fed money and actin a damn fool. Got damn.....can yall leave a bottle for a square. It aint Henny. It aint Crissy. So leave that shit on the shelf. Ya under dig?

Last point is for the fuckin cops. I know a lot of stangers read my posts. Well if any of yall are cops...park it up. I saw way too many cops today. I don't know if yall have a fuckin quota or whatnot...but 4 cop cars at a 4 way stop is bullshit. Yall aint doin a got damn thing on these streets. Knock it the fuck off. Cause yall know damn well when I turn the news on tonight its gonna be 5 niggas gunned down with no police response. Bottom line. FUCK FIVE-O!!!!!!

I'm Out.....

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Bitch Treachery

What it look like good folk. As promised its ya main square Count Steezly The Third back with another episode of these here chronicles. Ahhhh, life is kinda good for your gracious host right now. The grind is treating me great, payday is a day removed...and somehow I still have money in my pocket as I type this. What else could a lowly square ask for? Though there are some bad vibes floating around the room that I am writing this blog in...I really don't give a fuck. I feel good. So before I get too cheesy on yall lets get down to bidness.....shall we?

As I'm sure you read, this entry is about Bitch Treachery. The dictionary defines treachery as, violation of faith; betrayal of trust; treason. I know you are thinking, Steezly, what are you speaking of. As I said yesterday, I suspect copious amounts of bitch treachery taking place in my home. Everything from the destruction of my G1. To the complete absence of assistance in fixing the breaks(and various other afflictions) with my vehicle. Point blank the piece of pussy that I put a ring on has fallen way the fuck short of what I expected. The TRUST I instilled in her to be my backbone, my crutch, my rock has been betrayed to say the least.

Lets start with my vehicle. I am the proud owner of a square vehicle. A beautiful(well...not really) 2002 Mercury Mountaineer. For a few months this was the sole means of transportation for the entire F. Steez clan. Alas, in the midst of a nasty public transit strike, Mrs. Steez took this beloved vehicle(against my wishes) to work. At which it time it was promptly booted for various unpaid tickets. It was at this point that the bitch treachery hit new levels. When I asked her for assistance in retrieving vital documents from the truck, as to get the boot removed. I was met with swift and crippling resistance. It was no longe the problem of bitch treachery, merely a product of it. Glad to say, relying on sources that I shan't mention in these pages, I retrieved the documents. Phase two: Traffic court. After going to this foul cauldron of despair I walked away paying half of the tickets. Plus court fees. PLUS the fee to get the boot removed. Point blank a square dropped his whole pay check in court. With a little help from Mama Steez...aaaaand the aforementioned unnamed source I was aiiiight. But when I confronted the bitch treachery head on, I was met with the same blinding resistance. I was disgusted. I resolved at that moment, there would be no treacherous bitchery in the cozy confines of Baron Von Whippington III. This led to more bitch treachery that I will speak on at another time.

I am not the victim though. As I'm sure that most of my readers, especially those that know me personally, will agree with. I am one treacherous square. Not to be outdone. I have gone out of my way to meet this treachery head on. And offer an equal and opposite treacherous act at every turn. Such as, leaving the bitch stranded when her car died. Though I did offer to pick her up. The effort that accompanied it was lacking to say the least. Or in another instance, seeing to it that she went to bed hungry after she created circumstances that allowed me to recklessly wield such power. Let it be known, that all of my treachery has been in direct contention with my normal every day nature. It has taken some time. And an even larger amount of bullshit...but I can say that I have at least ONE treacherous bone in my body. But not enough to fuck up a perfectly good XBox it is suspected that this crazy bitch did. Thats just crossing the line aint it? you don't take a nigga's vice like that.

As you can see, treachery of any type is very dangerous...and equally stupid. We must avoid this behavior. It doesn't empower, it doesn't equal that imaginary score that only YOU are keeping. In the end all it does is make you look like a jealous, desperate, fool. I am not exempt, none of us are. While we like to cry foul when WE are the victims of treason. All seems to be quiet when we are the creators of it. Thus is human nature. But stil...I say, fuck all treacherous bitches.....

I'm out

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Comeback

What it look like folk. Guess who's bizzack?!?!? Ahhhhh its been a long time hasn't it. After being prompted by followers, lurkers, and even Mama Steez I came back to drop something on yall. Hope you forgive me for the long lay off. Shit been crazy in Steez land. Unfortunately I can't speak on it just yet. But yall know me, it won't be long before I say fuck it and piss somebody off. Ya dig? So its been so long lets get to the matter at hand.....shall we?

Well, where should I begin? With the grind I suppose. Considering thats what this whole 925 thang is about anyway right? Well since we last got up, a niggaro done got a new job, made some new friends, and found a way to hate the Mrs. just a little bit more. Fo rilla. Without getting too deep(which I can't...seriously) that bitch and I aint even cool anymore. I look at her and see a thousand slave masters with whips and branding irons. Fuck her through and through.

Moving on, my big brother has come back from Iraq. We've gotten the chance to kick it on a couple occasions. Two of them weren't so pleasant as we were morning the death of our cousin. Something I think I spoke on before. I don't remember. But in any event that nigga back and I'm happy.

Ummmm....what else? Yeah, I guess I can tell yall why I haven't been blogging. The trusty G1 suffered some water damage. Those of yall who know, know that that is where I did all of my blogging from. I suspect foul play and bitch treachery but I'll let that die for now. But just know I'm not gonna keep yall waiting for months again. In fact this joint(or as a certain someone doesn't want me to say....jawn) is just to announce my return. Tomorrow I'm putting up a brand new, improved 925 Chronicle. So....if you been missing it...I apologize. But I won't do it again.

I'm out.